I've been meaning to update, but slacked on getting my pictures on the computer-so now, here's a little 2 for 1 deal! Bonus, right?!
Part 1. Banana Bread
A few weeks ago banana bread popped in my mind. I found a Pinterest recipe (http://www.fortheloveofcooking.net/2011/02/banana-banana-bread.html), and took to the challenge.
Now, I would like to add that I am not a baker. I would love to be, but I just seem to fail at following directions whenever I do attempt baking. My patience dwindles drastically for some reason whenever I attempt any baking. Brownies are my go-to. So much that on more than one occasion when I announce that I've 'brought something' in front of my nieces and nephews their first reaction is 'Brownies!!?!'. Yep, I'm known for them :)
Kind of a mess-but in my defense do you see how many tortilla chips my man has out on the counter?! Chips and salsa obsession for sure-so I blame some lack of space on that...
Walla! (I'm told this is spelled Viola', but I like 'walla' better)
Turned out so yummy and moist! At first I thought it wasn't 'banana-y' enough, but changed my mind later. Success!!
Part 2. Kitchen clean out.
I didn't take before/after pictures right. I not only emptied out one section before I thought to take pictures, but I didn't even get two lower cabinets, which were the most visual change too. Note that for the next before/after project. Lord knows I'm turning a blind eye to our junk cabinets we have...
This cabinet was a mess. I wish I would have taken a before picture to show it. We have had an abundance of random Tupperware that we haven't used since we moved in about 2 1/2 years...had.to.go.
I could barely believe the amount of cups we had in our cabinets-what the heck, you would have thought we had nightly banquets or something! (Drink banquets only, we didn't have near the amount of plates) This project took a little over 5 hours. That part was a little frustrating, but all due to how many breaks I had to take. Officially 4 weeks out from our due date as of last Friday, and my body is still a believer in early contractions and being a wimp-much against any say from me. BUT-it got done and felt so good to complete before our little man arrives!
All for now-not sure what the next project will be. The idea of getting freezer meals ready before Caden gets here sounds great...but actually getting that done. Doubtful. Highly doubtful!