Saturday, March 30, 2013


yummy, yummy, in your tummy! finally.

it may not seem like a big deal to some, but being able to introduce you to baby food and seeing your reaction has been such a fun time for us-we've looked forward to it for a while and are loving being able to experience your 'firsts' with you.
what you've conquered thus far:

1. green beans. you were caught off guard, weren't really sure what to think, and weren't super impressed. you liked them just fine-which is good because they are a high commodity in this household-but you've already shown more interest in squash (great. ruined number three.)
2. carrots. miss laura put up this priceless picture of your first try at carrots. -side note, she's the best and you have done great with that transition. we couldn't be happier with how God has taken control of what was a scary change and has blessed us with a wonderful daycare for you.- back to carrots, i am so happy she shared this picture and captured this moment since we weren't able to be there. miss laura said you weren't sure at first, gave you a few minutes and then you ate them like a champ. just makes us laugh each time we look at it. you are so precious. experiencing new things with you, even via picture, rocks. along with your fluffy hair:)
3. squash (butternut). man you took to these like they were nothing new. who doesn't like some good butternut squash. we had a busy day today, you were in and out of the car seat a lot, so we gave you a bonus and let you eat the second half after church. don't tell dr. hattar, as far as she knows it's just once a day. but you have been taking a 4-5 oz bottle after as well which is great that your milk intake isn't taking a hit. no picture here for squash. sorry-had to live in the moment. you were all diapeys and sitting up strong and solo as usual for the squash encounters.

next up-sweet potato, peas and corn. i'm not to crazy about corn, don't really think it has a great amount of nutritional value compared to the others, but we want to make sure you're not allergic so corn it is.

we also got cray cray in the food isle and picked up a carrots and peas mix. whooohoo. living on the edge here.

i'm sure you'll love sweet potatoes-we're excited to see your reaction to those and may have to be selfish and save those for a weekend try. it's hard to imagine you not eating any of the stuff, but that's being said before we've let you try the extra scrumptious fruits. we may just lose you to the fruit flavors then, but hopefully not.

and just some icing on the cake-you are adorable. this stage is so fun and constantly rewarding for us as your ma and pa. we love you boog.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

7 Months

Your first St. Patricks Day and 7 months old all in way day-whewie!

You are keeping us busy and not even fully crawling yet. I could just snuggle with you all day if you'd let me-but I'm not that lucky:)

  • You are weighing in at 15 1/2 lbs
  • You're a full fledged thumb-sucker. Have been for a while but will only chew on your paci even when we try to give one to you.
  • You will rock back and forth on your hands and knees, but no full on crawling yet 
  • You manage to scoot/army crawl which we still count. Especially if you see something you really want-you're determined to get there
  • You're laughter is contagious-always has been, but recently we're able to witness the joy and smiles you bring to others; we are so proud and humble to be your parents
  • Had to get your 6 month shots on Monday (a month late due to you being sick previously) and those little legs were bruised for a few days:(
  • You've been sleeping good, the shots threw you off and sometimes you differ but we chalk it up to either growth spurts or just being a baby
  • You're attempting to pull up on some things, more recently the ottomans. 
  • You're constantly grabbing at your feet and/or socks and putting them into your mouth (along with anything else you can get your hands on)
  • We joked when I was pregnant with you that you'd give us a run for our money because you were so active already-you bruised me even while in there for goodness sakes!-you are a great baby, but man when you are awake are you an active little booger.
  • Constantly curious and exploring new things. Experiencing each day through your eyes is so refreshing and rewarding.
  • You've tried some puffs snacks and green beans so far and you've liked both! It's so fun to be able to start introducing food and 'snacks'
  • You start Monday with a full-time daycare. Yaya will still have you a few Fridays, but mostly you will be with Ms. Laura in Valley Center. I'm excited for you to have more stability but change is sometimes scary no matter what it may be.

We have been having a blast with you and cherish every moment we get to have with you.  You are a hilarious little boog and seeing you grow and change so much is so bittersweet. I soak up and love any cuddles I can get my hands on-we are so lucky and happy to be your parents, Caden.

We love you so much munchkin.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

License Puzzle


I drove behind this license plate for a while on my way in to work yesterday. There have been multiple times I've thought I should blog, or make a blog, about the variety of personal license plates I've seen-obviously it wouldn't go very far since I don't ever go very we'll just stick with blogging about it.

Whether it's curiosity as to the story behind the name or just wondering what the hey it even is supposed to say...which seems sometimes to be the majority...they're always intriguing to me.

Well, this one is a 'what the hey does that mean' situation.

Sometimes not being able to figure them out bugs me so much that I get the urge to pull up next to them and ask. Luckily I've never gotten the actual nerve to do so.

Gary and I have just assumed it's some sort of family name maybe? I also got the possible '50-NO-US' from a coworker but that doesn't make any sense.


Then on my drive home I saw this:


This one is more so funny to me because Gary plays a video game called Mass Effect, and the 'bad guys' on there are called the Reapers.
