What's new in your world.
-You weigh about 16 lbs 7 oz
-You are a crazy fast crawler
-You pull up on everything and will move from one object to the next with ease-which makes us wonder how fast the 'walking stage' will get here.
-You aren't a big fan of pureed baby food. You'll eat it if everyone else is eating, but we've accepted that you are just going to be a table food baby.
-You've tried basically all the fruits and veggies there are and you're good to go there-no extra allergies. *knockonwood*
-Your tooth is coming through more and more...and sharp...you little biter.
-99.9% sure your second bottom tooth will make its appearance any day now.
-You are overall a great sleeper. You go to bed early, around 7pm, and usually sleep through the night-sometimes waking to eat and go back to sleep, and with the new steady routine of daycare with Miss Laura you're catching on to waking up between 6:00-6:30. That's great and all, because it's heartbreaking having to wake your cute little self, but then the weekends come and you are up too early, buddy! Plus your daddy starts summer break in a few days and then your schedule changes a bit too-so we'll see how that goes.
-You are easy going. as easy going as a little dude can be, I guess, but you do well with a variety of people and are usually happy go lucky
-That being said, you are very determined. You know what you want and don't want-which is good, but I do request that once you get older and more disciplining has to take place that you please let go of your strong will and be a good listener. That's a simple request...right?!
-You are awesome. We are having so much fun with you-wearing us out or not-you're curiosity and excitement for life and the simple enjoyments that life has to offer is so refreshing to us (and adults in general) and so fun to be able to experience with you.
I have to have some proof for you in the future when you ask 'moooom! why'd you let my hair be so cray cray?!' that I DO try to tame that tuff you rock. It minds its manners best after bath, with slightly wet hair and a bit of lotion-it doesn't last long before it breaks loose though.
Well, buddy, that's the wrap-up for 9 months. Excited for this summer with you and all the new adventures you'll get to experience and things you'll learn. Thanks for letting us tag along-we consider ourselves the luckiest parents on earth.