Over a week late. But I will show off my excuses in a blog to come-we have been BUSY like non-other.
You are a monster. The best little monster any parent could wish for. Your curiosity makes us laugh. Your eagerness to explore and enjoy all aspects of life is so humbling and we are so blessed to be a part of it all.
Proof that these little photo shoots just aren't as easy anymore. you are one busy.busy.busy.boy.
So...What's new in your world?
-You weigh in at 17 lbs 9.5 oz and 28 inches long
-You have two bottom teeth, and we're 99% sure you're working on the top one(s)-when those will actually come...who the hey knows...took 8.5 months to get any to begin with :)
-You are walking more and more with us while we hold your hands
-You will stand solo for a good while-5+ seconds, which eventually will seem like nothing, but for now it's a big deal
-You understand 'no'...and you understand how to ignore no-ornery is in your veins, it's inevitable
-You love, love, love table food and have enjoyed most everything you've tried so far-which is a lot
-Overall you're a great eater, especially if others are at the table with you-little socialite
-We've started to try Pediasure instead of formula-introduces milk back in your diet to see if you still have an allergy and it is packed full of a bunch of calories and nutrients to give you lots of rolls for people to adore. the only age I think a doctor would tell you the more rolls the better
-You're still a thumb sucker and love your blankey to go along-definitely our little Linus-but only when you're tired. May be hard to break you of thumb sucking, but at least we don't have to battle a daytime paci
-You are a huge fan of the Baby Sign and Time and Baby Animals DVD-and
they provide me with good cuddle time, so I'm a fan...especially for
early mornings or the chore of cutting those baby nails.
If it's fair game to be in your hands-then it's certainly fair game to be in your mouth
Had to show off your adorable smile. You sure do make your mommy and daddy proud, Caden. Everyday is a joy to wake up to you-I'm a new and reformed morning person thanks to you
(seriously, though-much easier to wake up early when you're smile is what awaits us)-and it takes every ounce of me not drive like a mad woman to get home to you at the end of the day.
We can't thank God enough for you. Having your in our lives has given us a new respect and love for each other as well and I cherish all of that.
You are nonstop, and I wouldn't change anything. Thanks for all the laughter and love you give little man.
Now...to enjoy two short months before you're not 'technically' our baby anymore.
This is where I crawl up into a ball and cry at how fast times flies
We love you, Caden. xoxo
Cheers to being a fantastic 10!