Monday, April 28, 2014

My Boys

I had all good intentions of making this post a little over a month ago...but staying true to my recent catch phrase...'you can't win 'em all.' So, let em show off the cute men in my life.
This year for Gary's birthday we celebrated with a small group of close friends. Two close friends have birthdays just a week after Gary, so we made it a celebration for all the boys! We had a cookout at our house, watched some WSU basketball and then showed Wichita what legit bowlers look like....that last one may be a stretch. Good times had by all!!

And now for some bonus cuteness.

This is sometimes the reaction I get when I ask for him to 'say cheese!'
'Uncle' Drew, one of Gary's best friends, playing trucks with Caden. Caden is all boy. Trucks, trains, dirt, climbing, crashing...all the typical boy things are coming out more and more as he plays and it's so cute to watch and see his imagination go.
 This is 'box head'. We sing 'box head, box head!' to a silly tune when he puts it on, he waves and says 'bye!' and wears it around. It's silly but harmless so whatever...

 The first of the following was a fake fit. He 'styled' his hair with yogurt and didn't want to say cheese to show it off so he bustd out the whine, closed eyes and pouty lip. Don't let this fool you. He's quick to pull this sad face and then off and running the next minute. Crazy boy.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Let's see, how can we sum up our Easter weekend... 

A visit tot he Easter Bunny. Caden wasn't impressed. He wouldn't sit on his lap, so I had to quickly squat down next to the bunny while the zoo lady took our picture. We got some good time in at the zoo afterwards which was really nice. A simple slow paced zoo trip hitting up the monkeys and petting area trumped the scary bunny.

After the zoo we met up with my family at my sisters for some lunch and egg dying. Caden was 100% more interested in eating chips and dancing to the happy song than dying eggs. Great time as always with these folks. Caden's getting to the age where he can hold his own with his cousins more-so cool to see and watch them playing together.

Sunday morning after waking Caden up we got him to hunt down his basket. He was a bit hesitant/confused at what we were trying to get him to do, but once he saw Curious George, Elmo and Mickey Mouse goodies it was fair game. He even sported an entire page of stickers on his shirt later that day after church!

Speaking of church...this is the first time Caden has gone with us to service since he was a baby. The minute we got him out of the car he rested his head on my shoulder. All the way in and while we were waiting to check him in he just laid there. My heart couldn't bear making my tired boy go into playtime when he wanted, he went to church with us and fell asleep right after praise and worship. I got awesome cuddles, he got a nap in, it was a win/win....right? Not totally..the cuddles were a win/win--the short nap compared to his 'typical' 2-3 hour one after lunch didn't play out to well later on, but oh well.

And just now realizing we didn't get any pictures of our Easter egg hunt and dinner with the in-laws. But, of course, yummy food and good times were had. Overall-a great weekend with family and an always needed reminder and praise of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. So easy to get caught up in the Easter traditions and forget that this is to celebrate Jesus rising from the grave.

It's overwhelming to think about all that having one son. To let him die for others-especially when so many of those people wouldn't even care, and those that do would still slip up SO much...yikes. Hurts my heart-but I think it's a good check-up and need to continue to have those. So, let me change what I said before....overall-Thank.You.God.