Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5 Months

What? 4 months seemed like just yesterday? Just in blog world buddy. You are FIVE whoppin' months old. Wowzers.

  • You are squealing all the time. 
  • Recently started making spitting sounds. 
  • We just went to a check up with Dr. Hattar (amazing doctor we've been seeing for your milk allergy) and you lost some weight. meh. But, in our (yours and ours) defense you have been sick again and your appetite hasn't been as good due to the congestion in your nose. She did recommend cool mist humidifier to help the swelling in your little nose, after running that in your room last night you seemed better today-that's always a good sign!
  • You had a few more tries at rice cereal, some really successful, others not. With advice from the doctor we'll wait to start that again at 6 months and just focus on getting your weight back up. (13lb 1oz to be exact)
  • You sure do hate the nose suction. I know most all babies do, but dang do you get mad. 
  • You sure do like to stand, with help of course. You're not as content just laying on your back-you'd much rather stand and bounce around. 
  •  Everything that is within reach is starting to be fair game for you and destined to go into our mouth
  • You are grabbing at your feet and think it's just so funny when we play with them
  • Multiple times I have been holding you and talking to someone and slowly you'll work your hands up and over my mouth. It cracks me up each time. You are so intrigued with the mouth and love watching people talk. It's been recently that you've reached out to touch it more and more, just something that's quirky and funny. A few times I've been talking about you when you do that, which makes it even better because it's just as if you are hushing me to not talk about you. Pretty darn cute.
  • Not only have you been grabbing at the mouth but also just focusing in and navigating our faces. Seems like you are so exploratory with features right now-it's so fun to watch.
  • We keep thinking you'll be up and crawling soon, you're so wiggly-can only imagine how quick you'll take off on that...(maybe)
  • You're drooling and gnawing on everything, but as before in your 3 month (?) update you don't seem to be teething. I've heard, and believe that 'teething' can last for a long while before a tooth even breaks through. Either way, no teeth here yet for you.
 Start of this photo shoot you weren't having it, but that changed quickly. 

(Mom, for real.)
 Especially once daddy came in and entertained you.

You stiffen your arms and legs out in excitement or frustration sometimes, hence the above :) 

It's priceless seeing you and your dad's relationship start blossoming. You are priceless in general, of course, but to see you grow into yourself and show your personality more and more is just the best ever. So lucky to have you as our son. We love you munchkin.

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