Friday was a YaYa day so Gary and I both met up there after work where my sister and kids were just starting to color some eggs. Some good family time, coloring eggs, pizza-can't get better than that.
Saturday was a fun family day. We ventured out to Botanica Gardens, the bunny was weird, had a bunny beard and was about to go on break and wouldn't sit to take a picture. Oh well, not the meaning of Easter anyways right? Caden wasn't scared of the odd looking bunny either, he found it funny and that was entertaining for us to see. More so the children's garden was an 'ooo' and 'awwww' for Caden. Again, another thing that will be more fun once he gets a bit older, but it was still awesome to see him explore and see new things.

Saturday night we went to church. Basically any time is kind of bad timing to go to church for Caden. They just all fall in times that he's usually tired/almost done with the day/nap time. But the nursery/child care people have been so good and patient with you. He's always so intrigued by your surroundings, especially when other babies/kids are around so I'm assuming people watching keeps him busy-only thing is when he's at that tired stage he won't be independent. But again they've done great with Caden-and that brings so much comfort to us.
Sunday we relaxed until it was time to go to Grandma Wendy's and Grumpo's house. Little man did get sick first thing in the morning, and then another time at their house-you slept a bit and took some pedialyte but we called it an early day in hopes you would rest better at home. Honestly, the rest of the day is a blur-but overall it was a nice weekend.(You even sported an awesome bowtie-thanks to Aunt Erin! Unfortunately, it didn't survive you getting sick, but we got pictures and you look so handsome. Doesn't matter how long it lasted!)
We were blessed with such wonderful weather for it too. Of course now it's getting crazy with snow in some places, rain in others and sunshine in the rest. Odd. Life is busy. Life is good. We continue to remind ourselves to count our blessings and trust in God. Hate how we have to remind ourselves that, but as Satan would have it-he sometimes gets the best of us. Not for long though, not for long.
Happy extra-belated Easter to everyone. Cheers to springtime!
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