-You have progressed quickly in the world of walking. It's adorable and strange to see sometimes, our little baby isn't supposed to be able to walk already!
-You are such an explorer. Always climbing onto anything you can, so curious as to the sounds around you and anything new that catches your eye.
-You have an adorable ornery smile. You know what is off limits in the house (trash can, toilet, dog bowl, laptop, tv stand and dvd rack-which is going away soon) but you still test the boundaries while looking right at us and shooting us the 'are you going to say no??' smile.
-You are a mocker. More recently with laughing. Not something I think we can catch on camera due to it being sporadic, but man would I love to. It's pretty funny-a sarcastic little three chuckles right back at someone when they laugh.
-You LOVE to eat. Mostly taking just nighttime bottles, but sometimes a few for naps-and all together not sure how long any of the bottles will last. You drink your milk and water great (most days), but you for sure can put away some food. Seems like you're always up for a snack and some good mooching if it's not your official breakfast/lunch/dinner time.
-You play pretty well on your own, always on the go now. Throwing your Grover remote, playing around and on your little kid 'house', blocks, balls, books-you name it, you like it.
You are a fun little guy. We are humbled when people complement on how cute and personable you are. You are a little timid to strangers, but not much more than the normal new surroundings shy. You easily adjust to new situations, surroundings and/or people. It has been such a wonderful last year. I'm proud to be able to say that your dad and I have been able to let God into our lives more than ever, grow stronger in our relationship through God and are so blessed to have to opportunity to become parents together.
Throughout this last year we have learned how to navigate this new life of less sleep and less 'selfish' time. It hasn't been purely cloud nine-but I wouldn't hesitate to say it hasn't been close. Through your getting sick, the typical over-thinking new parents do and in general figuring out a good balance of our new daily routines we have become closer than I could have wished for.
When I was younger I heard a friend say you choose to love someone-rather than relying on just feelings. I pray that God continues to bless you with the loving and kind heart you have. That you move mountains-and remember that whether or not it looks like a mountain in your eyes does not mean it isn't one in another persons. You don't need to be on the cover of any magazine to change the world, God can work through you more than you'll ever imagine, keep an open and willing heart and be willing to stand out against the crowd. Don't settle for the things of this world. Find a strong, loving and faith-driven woman that you choose to love each day despite our natural sins and selfishness that sometimes slips through. Be willing to apologize if you sin against each other, no matter how big or small, and always be quick to forgive.
Continue to take each day as it comes and be thankful for the days you are given. Don't underestimate 'live, laugh, love.' especially laugh-always find the humor in things, take everything with a grain of salt.
I'm sure once you're older and wanting to leave my side more and more it'll be harder to say that due to a bit of mom-jealousy, but I hope that's not the case and God helps this momma with smooth transitions for you and any future kiddos. We will always pray long and hard over you, Caden. You are precious and we are so thankful for this first year with you-and continue to pray for guidance, patience, health and happiness in the years to come.
Love you, Caden. Thank you for giving us a wonderful first year as parents. XoXoXo
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