Friday, December 26, 2014

Picture Upload

Pictures from here and there..

Cuddles with Caden and the baby belly. Reid is three weeks in three days; it's crazy how you get used to being all big and so much belly-I find it already hard to imagine having such a big belly. Time.flys.

Mom of the year award. Gary went to the gym, and we had lunch plans with his family, so I took Caden to the zoo to kill some time prior. Mistake number one-the zoo changed hours for winter so it wasn't open. Mistake number two-head to the park nearby, yet it's been wet and rainy so everything is soaked. Meh. Whatever, he still had fun and it killed some time outside of the house!

Cute little boys. My friend's little guy is a little over a year younger than Caden and getting old enough to play more-fun to see them interact!

This marble toy is one that my parents had. We have it on loan from them-he's loved it and it's pretty fun and simple to do as long as you just build quick :)

Our little helper. Caden loves to help in the kitchen and although it takes twice as long and much more patience than usual, it's fun to get to do those things with him and love seeing him excited to 'cook'.

Look at this handome fella. Up until Thanksgiving Day I've cut his hair all by hand. Giving him a snack and show on the tv and go from there. But we decided to use the clippers this time and he did great-it made him look so much older it kept throwing us off for a few days catching glimpses of him in his big boy haircut. 

Helping daddy rake the leaves. Not sure if he did more help than not on this one, but still a trooper:)

December Happenings

A few here and there pictures from our December, pre-baby...

Decorating our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving and taking a snack break during decorating.

We took family/maternity pictures, went to the park, went to Illuminations at the Botanica Gardens and dinner all in one afternoon/night! This was all the Saturday after Thanksgiving and we got to Botanica right as they opened. It got dark just after we started and the weather was perfect. We got to really enjoy the lights and visit Santa and head out to get dinner just as it started to get busy. Our last experience here we went later, it was cold, and just not that fun-but we really like the event and knew Caden would too so were happy to try again this year and glad we got beautiful weather and less of a crowd this time around. 

Caden wasn't too sure about Santa. He's seen the idea of Santa through some of the Christmas shows he's seen, but we haven't really talked it up too much yet. He sat with him, but gave a questionable look towards us as if he wasn't quite sure if this weird man should be holding him...luckily he gave him a sucker and then they were the best of friends!

They have one section that is set to music and he just loved it. I think I really could have sat there for quite a while too-it's my favorite part of the place and so fun to see the light show. It was fun to get that time in with Caden before baby.

We also made ginger bread houses with my sister and her kids. He actually did make more of it than I thought he would, and he also didn't disappoint and ate just as much as I thought he would, too.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Reid Gary Lee

Reid Gary Lee

December 8, 2014 : 6:48 a.m. : 6 lbs 9 oz : 18.5 inches

I started having contractions Sunday night, December 7th, at 10:30 p.m. They first were about ten minutes apart, for about an hour, then quickly progressed to five minutes and much stronger-giving me enough of a sign to tell Gary it was time to go. My parents came over and we went into the hospital, arriving just after midnight. Things seemed to settle and after being checked I was still only a one, something I had been for two weeks now, so we weren't sure what to think but then everything started happening and quick. 

I was to get checked after an hour to see if we had made any changes and within that hour contractions started up on a two to three minute pattern, continuing to gain strength, my water broke and we knew this was it. We were at a five by three a.m., but unfortunately a few hours later still showed the same. I had an epidural and was having consistent contractions still, but with no change, and with signs of stress showing from baby.

At this point we were faced with a decision, or lack of one, to enter into another c-section. This was the last route I had wanted to take. With stress showing from baby, unable to have pitocin, baby dropped-but not fully, slightly turned, and no change within a few hours that was the only solution that we had that would provide a safe arrival for our little babe. So, 6:48 a.m. and Gary got to announce that it was Reid-we have ourselves another boy! So excited for Caden to have a little brother!

Sweet, sweet baby cuddles.

Big brother, Caden, meeting little brother, Reid. Caden was so sweet coming up and meeting Reid did so well. He constantly kept saying 'awwww, awwww, baby, awwww' and wanting to hold him. It lasted about a good 10 minutes before he started getting distracted, but that was expected.

 Reid came out the same weight and just half an inch shorter than big brother. He's eating like a champ and doing well sleeping, but unfortunately already caught a little cold so that doesn't help on the sleep end. Despite that he's already 8 lbs 2 oz and three weeks on Monday-growing up big and fast!

Mr. Reid, we love you so much and are so lucky to have you in our lives! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Goodbye and Hello

I was able to start my maternity leave as of December 1st, allowing me to have a possible two weeks with Caden before baby is to arrive. It never crossed my mind to not work up until I had the baby before, but it's finally official and this time around I am not going to be returning to work full time. So, I don't have to consider this to cut into my maternity leave time, and due to many discomforts at this stage, I started leave pre-baby. It is something that I didn't think we'd be able to do, and I'm still nervous in some ways with the financial side of things. I like to have more control than this gives me, but God really has shut doors that I had so badly wanted to be open career wise, and has placed people in our lives to help give us advice when we needed to hear it the most, then opened door after door for this transition of staying home to work and fall into place. 

There is some hesitation over the responsibility I feel to be the best stay at home mom I can be, but I assume if I took it lightly I'd be selling myself and my family short. Right now, Caden and I are just enjoying our time together before baby. Trying to keep it simple and relaxed, as my body is so dang tired anyways. It's only day two into this gig and so far, so good. Sleep isn't good right now, and I've been having a multitude of false contractions, so simple and relaxed is just what the doctor ordered. I have a good friend that went through this transition herself a little over a year ago and she said it took her about six months to figure out their new normal. I can't even say Caden and I are learning our new normal of me not working yet because soon we'll be throwing a new baby into the mix, I'll be fitting in some at-home part-time work before too long so new-stay-at-home-mom-of-two-working-part-time will just be a whole new story!

My coworkers got a beautiful cake for my last day at work. Made me tear up, shocker. I have been there three and a half years and have made some good friends there. They are definitely a good group of loving, caring people. I am not a hoarder, by any means, but these three little trinkets were on my desk and had significance to me so here they are getting documented. 

To be honest, as much as I didn't like missing out on so much with Caden, I also got used to our routine of going to daycare, going to work, coming home to dinner and playtime, then bed. It intimidated me to think that I wouldn't get the chance to 'clock out' like that during the days and that my responsibilities, no offense to my previous job, would change and have much more significance. I am very excited about being able to have this opportunity and just pray that I use my days wisely with the chance to be home and raise our children. 

So. Day one. First things first-build marble tower as soon as we wake up. It's been about a 7:30 wake up time, which is nice, and Lord knows about to change anyways once baby is here. Then build with blocks. I even got to shower-gasp-while Caden watched a show. I got distracted with cleaning out a horrible catch all drawer that I wanted to get done before baby came-this is something I will have figure out how to balance, my personal 'to-do' list and being present and there for Caden and baby.

Then we ran to Wendy's for a lunch date, twist my arm. And he was a great helper at the grocery store, before heading home for naps and then into the evening 'routine'. He's been doing really well with grocery trips and loves, loves, loves to help us do just about anything.

Day Two. Probably to many shows and too much laziness in the morning, but I woke up sore and tired and it is what it is. Besides, we made our way to our friends house by late morning, and stayed later then we should according to nap time, but he was having a blast and I loved the time with the girls. Caysen and Caden are less than a week apart, and I know I've mentioned it before, but man they play so well together. They are adorbale, ornery, and so cute. We got to meet cute little Drake today, too! Caden has been really sweet towards babies recently. Let's keep our fingers crossed he feels the same when we actually bring little baby home to stay!

It definitely isn't as easy to maneuver baby snuggles at this stage in the game-but I was lucky to get what I got and little Drake was the cutest thing ever!

In love. Like I said, so far, so good. Lots of changes to come. Had to say goodbye to the old, and hello to the new!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Turkey, Turkey, Turkey

There is much to be thankful for. We have a roof above our heads, our health, family that is near and far-but all close to heart, wonderful's sad how often we, at least I, get caught up in the little things of life that don't go our way or when we can't understand God's plan for us. Easier said than done to be patient, happy, or content sometimes--but luckily God has given us so many moments that have made us step back and take it in, realizing all we need to be thankful for.

I am thankful for a loving husband. One that is a good listener and quick to forgive. I am thankful for a healthy, happy, spunky little boy. I am thankful for a safe pregnancy and for all the baby kicks and flips. I am thankful for the love and support our family and friends have given us. I'm thankful for our church small group that we continue to grow closer with and help us grow in our relationship with God. I'm thankful for the people in our lives that can laugh at misfortunes and enjoy the little things.

Made some yummy cinnamon roll waffles for breakfast. Place a few rolls on the waffle maker, flatten that sucker out, and use the icing at topping---oh yeah. Healthy breakfast ready in minutes. 

  37 weeks pregnant and this time had to bring in the help of a belly band. Don't worry, the public eye doesn't see it as the top layer of my outfit, that's just for my lucky family.

Caden helping check on the butternut squash. I gave him a haircut Thanksgiving morning, but for the first time used clippers. He did great, but man he looks so grown up it breaks my heart!

 Our little dog, Max, is pathetic. He's a needy little guy and is attached to Gary. Gary took MJ to the vet the next morning and Max flipped out the entire time he was gone. Both MJ and Gary gone is a recipe for a Max breakdown. 

We spent Thanksgiving this year with my family. The first year Caden was a baby we stopped by my aunts house and then spent the remainder of the day with Gary's. Last year we found it easier to just do one or the other, and spent it with Gary's family. This year, we switched it up and spent majority of our day at my sisters. Caden loves cousin time-on both sides-so he had a blast. I was able to see my aunt and her husband that live in Colorado and a few cousins from Texas, which is always nice! My mom, sister, her mother-in-law and I got in some good puzzle time later that afternoon. May sound silly, but man I love some good quality time around a puzzle. It was a great day-tiring at the end, but definitely needed. Thankful on all accounts!

Feast your eyes. Not as big of a puzzle as we usually take on, and with all hands on deck it got finished by the end of the day. Quality time, people, the best way to have some good quality time.

It's now December and there is a lot of change coming up with baby due so soon. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared of how our new normal will all play out, but I'd be lying more to say I wasn't thankful that God has given us a safe pregnancy, allowing us to be parents again to another child, and so many prayers for a safe delivery and upbringing for both our little nuggets. Constantly remembering to give thanks for we have so much to be thankful for!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Round Up

Colds have come and gone in our house. We're all doing good right now-thankfully-and praying it stays that way too! Caden had a chest cold two weeks ago. I could see him stirring on the monitor at the end of his nap, but never heard him anymore, and when I went to check on him and found him asleep laying at the door/gate. Little man was out cold, and woke up maybe five minutes later a bit confused...

With the cold came odd eating for him. He always gets a bit thrown off being sick, so once he started feeling better and got an appetite back I found myself caving to a morning breakfast of eggs, hot dog and one of my pancakes with a little bonus of some chocolate chips on top!  Lucky him...and gross all at the same time.
I was able to catch up and face time with my brother for the first time in a while. A thirteen hour difference in time doesn't help, but I guess we've both just been busy enough we haven't gotten the chance to touch base recently. It was really good to have time to just sit and talk about anything, everything, or nothing important at all. Just catch up on life and 'hang out'. Now-my little nephew is the cutest thing ever, but he always gives me his serious look when we face time so finally when he busted out that smile and those adorable dimples I snapped a picture as soon as I can. I may look like a goof, but look at that little boys smile. Ah-I just love him. Melts my heart.
Caden gets super excited to see Uncle Jake on face time too. It's really cute. The two have never met, but he always loves being able to see him and that makes me so happy and so grateful that we are able to have that connection where we can all know each other even from afar. I can't imagine how many happy tears will be shed once we all get to meet up again...but until then, I am so thankful for smart people who make smart phones that can do things like face time.
Caden is still helpy-mc-helperson. He just loves to help. I'm assuming it'll get harder once we add baby and more than one kid is in the mix, but currently we've been doing really well at being able to slow down our pace or idea of how things should be done so that he can help. It's cute and he's learning so we hate to say no. 

This past weekend was just amazing. I can't and won't undersell it. Gary and I planned a date night, and a sleepover for Caden, for Friday night. One last date night pre-baby. We had yummy Olive Garden and pulled out our nerd cards buying the The Hobbit Lego game and had a little gaming night. We've played multiple lego video games, but not for a long time--always fun to do. In Gary's eyes I just run around breaking things collecting coins, but let me tell you-the reality is I dominate the lego worlds and he collects the coins. Yep. Sounds about right.

We had one of our nephews birthday parties the next morning so we met Caden and the family at my sisters for that. He was on cloud nine having all that time with them and then with cousins. When we left we sung by Target to get a few things that we needed, and I took advantage of the Cartwheel app I recently added and got a cool Mickey Mouse workbench for half off. Woohoo! We also got the hand me down playdoh set I had as a child from my mom, so between the new Mickey toy and playdoh we kept ourselves busy! I even showed off my playdoh skills by making multiple animals per Caden's request. See below the best playdoh elephant you've ever laid your eyes on...

We've been doing 'picnics' more at our house. He loves the idea of it and we usually keep pretty busy otherwise, so sometimes it's nice to just stop, eat in a different way (well, the part of sitting on the floor at this point in the pregnancy it's the most fun...), and watch a little Mickey. I foresee a lot of picnics in our future.

It was one of those 'no nap' days for us. Maybe it was the excitement of new toys, or just becuase, but Caden didn't take a nap. He wasn't being bad either-he was just as enjoyable and silly, so it wasn't necessarily a tortuross 'no nap' day. But, around 5:00 p.m. he started to crash. He got whiny, cuddly, and just started yawning all over the place and laying around here and there. He came up for some snuggles, layed on me, and was out within maybe five minutes. I think I could've laid there getting those cuddles forever. Toddler snuggles are far and few between sometimes and it was just the best.

He was out cold. We decided to put him to bed, despite it being only 5:30, and pray he just caught up on lost sleep and it didn't mean a long, hard day for Sunday. He ended up waking up about an hour later pretty confused, but once he settled we got some dinner in him, did our bedtime routine and back to sleep he went! Pretty dang cute!

Sunday my oldest nephew, Wesley, got baptised so we all attended the first service at church. It was sweet and emotional. I could also cry at almost any moment right now it seems, but I haven't-thank you very much, but add your little nephew who isn't so little anymore making a big, important decision-tear.jerker. He stated that he wanted God to be the boss of his life. Amen to that. There is something so special about having childlike faith--refreshing and much needed for adults to see and be reminded of sometimes.

After church we headed over to the fire station where one of Gary's buddies works. His wife is doing a 30 before 30 for his 30th birthday, and on days he's at the station she has arrange either people to visit or some sort of gift/card/something. So, we signed up for last Sunday and Caden just loved it. He loved seeing all the fire trucks, getting to climb in and all around them and 'driving it'. He just loved it! We visited there for a bit, grabbed lunch after and then went home and had a fun afternoon/evening-this time naps included!

It was one for the books, for sure. We got to see family and friends, but had a good amount of time just us as well. It's kind of how the majority of our weekends look from here until baby. We have a few things happening, especially with the holidays coming up, but overall we're going to get some good time in just as a family of three before we welcome our newest addition! Something I can't wait for--but also trying to cherish this time, it's definitely not something I want to wish away!