Friday, December 26, 2014

Picture Upload

Pictures from here and there..

Cuddles with Caden and the baby belly. Reid is three weeks in three days; it's crazy how you get used to being all big and so much belly-I find it already hard to imagine having such a big belly. Time.flys.

Mom of the year award. Gary went to the gym, and we had lunch plans with his family, so I took Caden to the zoo to kill some time prior. Mistake number one-the zoo changed hours for winter so it wasn't open. Mistake number two-head to the park nearby, yet it's been wet and rainy so everything is soaked. Meh. Whatever, he still had fun and it killed some time outside of the house!

Cute little boys. My friend's little guy is a little over a year younger than Caden and getting old enough to play more-fun to see them interact!

This marble toy is one that my parents had. We have it on loan from them-he's loved it and it's pretty fun and simple to do as long as you just build quick :)

Our little helper. Caden loves to help in the kitchen and although it takes twice as long and much more patience than usual, it's fun to get to do those things with him and love seeing him excited to 'cook'.

Look at this handome fella. Up until Thanksgiving Day I've cut his hair all by hand. Giving him a snack and show on the tv and go from there. But we decided to use the clippers this time and he did great-it made him look so much older it kept throwing us off for a few days catching glimpses of him in his big boy haircut. 

Helping daddy rake the leaves. Not sure if he did more help than not on this one, but still a trooper:)

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