Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Little Road Trip

About a month ago we went on our first adventure as a family. Kind of crazy that we waited this long, but it's just how it played out. We talked about getting away on our next three day weekend and before we knew it we had a three day weekend ahead of us, so with some last minute planning, we were off to a short trip to Kansas City.

We left Sunday morning and arrived for our first stop to Gary's aunt and uncles house to have brunch with them, Gary's two cousins and their two little boys that we had yet to meet. It was a good time, always good to catch up to them and it was great to be able to meet the second cousins! Caden got a good nap in at their house and shortly after we were off to the aquarium. It was so fun to see Caden's excitement throughout the aquarium. He was so excited to see all the fish-kept yelling 'ish!!!' and squealing in excitement. Once we hit an area that had some stairs going over to look a tank we were instantly stuck for quite a while. This boy and stairs-he loves them. I'm guessing if we would have some in our house, it wouldn't but such an infatuation. But we don't, so it is.

I was stuck on the idea that we need to go to the TRex Cafe. There's a cute little restaurant near the aquarium that we were told about, and should have just gone to-it has trains that deliver your food-but I had the image of the cool TRex Cafe and Caden in his stage of 'rawring' if we ask him if he's a dinosaur being a win---well, it wasn't. It was another drive to get there, which he did fine on the drive--MAJOR props to my sister lending us her portable dvd player. That thing was a lifesaver in the car--but once we were there he was already over it. He liked seeing the big TRex, liked the other stuff but was over it before it begun. Over-priced, cruddy food with an irritable toddler doesn't really mix. Oh well, you have to live and learn, right?! Dang it.

Caden also chose this weekend to break through some more bottom molars. Felt bad for the poor guy, Tylenol/Advil helped some but he just wasn't himself and was more irritable all around--so that was a little hiccup amongst it all.

After the aquarium and TRex fail we made our way back to Gary's cousins house and stayed the night there. It was great getting to hang out with their adorable little guy more and get to talk with them. We were able to have a simple morning and not be too rushed before heading to the zoo and lunch with two of my aunts, cousins and second cousins before heading back.

It was a successful trip. Tiring at some points, it's a whole new world traveling with a kiddo, but it was good to get away and go and fun to do some different things with Caden. Glad we finally did it and got one under our belt!

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