Last Friday night we went to cheer on my beautiful cousin for homecoming this year; talk about high school flashback. Well...not really. I don't really remember going to the games much, I'm guessing I just worked Friday nights or the closer reality that I just wasn't cool. I didn't really partake in school activities like was an odd time anyways (isn't it for almost everyone that age??), but hopefully I can encourage my kiddos to enjoy those fun times while they have them. It's hard to not have tunnel vision of wanting to be out of high school, grow up, be more independent, but I don't think I've met one person that wouldn't say to be silly, be young, and enjoy those years while you have them; they go by way too fast.
....back to the beautiful cousin. Megan is my second cousin and only nine years younger than me. I catch myself calling her my niece all the time and her dad has even called himself my uncle multiple times. I'm the youngest cousin on my moms side and second youngest on my dads, so a majority of my cousins are older and in some cases have kids closer to my age than they are. I have always loved kids and gravitated towards being the little 'babysitter' when they were around. This all being said leads up to the fact that this cute little red head and I were pretty good buddies when we were younger; she's super funny, adorable and always fun to be around. Life's changed, of course, as she's busy in high school, active in sports and friends and I went off and got married, had a baby and about to have another...see how the two aren't exactly parallel anymore? The good thing is we're close family. Sadly we all don't see each other as often as we'd like, but the one thing I adore about our family is we are all close no matter the distance and I love that.

My cute sis and niece. Love hanging out with these peeps.
My dad snuck off and visited a cupcake truck that was there-so good. I won't really turn down trying sweets, but I don't really always feel compelled to get them myself so it was a fun treat. Now, look at all those crumbs. It's sad really. That's some yummy cupcake pieces just laying at our feet. Erin and I had no issues with crumbs and my dad swears it's because we just vacuumed ours up. Vacuumed or not-we weren't wasteful, thank you very much.
So much cuteness. Megan is a beautiful, young woman and I can't wait to see where life takes her. She's super smart, athletic and fun--I'm not sure what her after high school plans may be, but I hope God truly blesses her with some fun opportunities in college and pray for all the best for her! Just ridiculous that she's already graduating...yikes, stripes!!
The next morning we went to Wesley's flag football game. It was fun to watch him out there and cheer him on, and Caden got some bonus cousin time before Bethany and Shep had to go to their soccer games. He absolutely loves cousin time and I love watching him with them.

Caden took an early nap, right after the games. I had to talk to him the entire way home to keep him up so he wouldn't fall asleep in the car. With the new bed change we haven't had one successful transition from asleep in the car to asleep in the bed; so I did all I could to keep his little tired eyes open until we got home and could do nap time. He gave in pretty did we! Another thing with the new bed change has been a lack of 'sleeping in'. Sleeping in changes when you have kids, yes, but Caden had been doing pretty well and sleeping in to about 7:30 on the weekends in the crib. But now, weekend or not, he's up around 6:00....and not always bright eyed and bushy tailed either, lucky us...SO being pregnant, tired, and busy means taking advantage of nap times on the weekends while we can!

We got some playtime in before we had to go to a wedding and I taught Caden how to be a burrito in my yoga mat. He loved it! He kept saying 'I sleepy!' and would lay down all over the mat, so I'd scoot him towards the edge as he'd already start to giggle, then I'd roll him up as he was laughing away and then 1..2..3..unroll!! It was so fun, simple, and I loved being able to see him experience it. That for some reason seems like one of the token kid things you're supposed to enjoy and I loved being able to have fun with my little burrito Caden!

And last but not least, Sunday we got to skype with Uncle Jacob, Aunt Ning and Alex. Caden loves seeing them and it's so cute to hear him say hello and say their names. Thank God for modern technology. I can't imagine not being able to see Jacob and his family and keep in touch with him the way we are able to. Alex is growing up so fast and I love seeing his cute expressions and smiles. It's fun for the cousins to see each other and hopefully this will allow them to stay close and get to know each other still no matter the distance between us.
Caden and I have a nice little routine of morning prayers on our drive to daycare. Prayers over Caden, Daddy, Mommy, baby and I've tried more and more to make my prayers into thank you's as well. We are so lucky to have all the love and support we do from family and friends. To have our health, safety, to have a safe home to live in, jobs that support our family needs, the silly things that we constantly take for granted especially when it's early in the morning and the last thing I want to do is get up and get going just to part ways with my son. It's hard. Some days are easier than others, but most days it just stinks. But it's what we are doing right now and I have to remind myself to be grateful that God has allowed us to have the opportunities we have, to use them wisely and to not overlook them. Constantly wishing for something different, bigger, better will never bring happiness, but to take a step back and remain humble in where you are at and see the greatness that God has provided---
that brings tears of joy.