Caden's new room transformation is finally complete! We still want to add some fun decor for the walls, but no real rush, I finished the last of the three curtains I made and Gary hung them up yesterday so I can now feel like I can say Caden's new room is all put together!
This is the crappy before pictures I got right before we started painting. I rolled all the walls, and the blue wall twice, while Gary did all the trim work and one more coat on the lighter walls ALL in one afternoon. He is a painting beast, people. I loved the way the blue turned out. It's just what I had pictured with the green curtain fabric I got and I think after adding a few more fun touches of stuff on the walls it'll look even better! Much better than the toy/junk room it was before.
So...with the new room being done, comes the transition into the new room. Friday night was our first night. It took about an hour to get him to stay and fall asleep in there, but then he slept through the night and even slept in until about 7:30--awesome!! Gary and I both woke up multiple times wondering how he was--reminded us of the first time babies sleep throughout the night how the parents wake up multiple times despite the baby being sound asleep.
He seemed hesitant and scared the first night, which we felt was reasonable at his age and with a new change like that, so we hung out in there for a while off and on just trying to provide some comfort and help in the change.
On a side note, Caden, you have the best dad ever. Patience is one of his strong suits and he is so willing to step up in areas that some men aren't. I hope you learn this from him, because it is such a blessing to have as a wife and mother. He doesn't hesitate to help around the house, he cooks, will run the annoying grocery errand, and is such a big part of your life--truly priceless.
This deal ended up in Caden not staying in bed, Gary coming back to get some stuff to lay down in there with him, as Caden followed him to our room, but I didn't want him to have to do that so we just brought the booger in bed with us and let Darth Vader 'sleep' in there for a bit. I don't even think you can call it sleep. He kept 'waking up' and he's always been a loud sleeper so not like we went back to bed.
Gary ended up getting up with Caden a little after six, let me catch some more sleep, and then I got up and a little later he went and caught up on some hours missed. Caden and I ventured out on a long walk to the park nearby, spent time at the park and then headed back. By this point Caden was being a big ol' moody, rude grump that we needed to get fresh air for the both our sakes. He was so tired and mouthy, on the walk back I asked if he heard that dog barking, something he normally loves, just for him to reply 'no. stop it! be quiet!' ummm...excuse me? Little dude got a stern look from me following that one...and then, this:
This reminds me of my Uncle Bill. He falls asleep exactly like this at his computer all the time, so I couldn't help but laugh to myself on the rest of the walk back at the humor of how tired he was, how similar it looked and, come on, that can't be comfortable.
Well, after we got back he didn't transition from stroller to bed, but he was so.dang.tired that I was adamant he take a nap, knowing how much one was needed. So. Bring on the hour battle to come. We had to finally get stern, helping him understand the concept of staying in bed during naps/bed time and not get out just because he can..aka fun times. At this point, he wasn't scared of the transition, he was simply testing the boundaries of what he could and couldn't do. He's a kid, that's what the do, right?!
We had to laugh at one point, he wouldn't come out of his room, or cry, or yell, but he would just stand there on the other side of his door looking at the door. Yawning, standing, getting into bed, getting back out to stand there. He stood there for a solid 20 minutes. Man he's stubborn. This ended in him crawling into bed and napping for three hours.
oy vey.
We were so excited to great him afterwards though letting him know how proud we were of him. Positive reinforcement here, people.
So, had a good late afternoon/evening and that night after reading our books he gave us big hugs and kisses, we repeated the rules/consequence, and left the room. Silly booger got up, and for 20-30 minutes went from standing there like he did before and laying down and then finally just laid on down and went to bed. We were surprised, happy and proud. Baby steps here, but he didn't come out, and was asleep in his bed 30 minutes later!
Well, this morning 3 a.m. rolled around and I heard him call out so intercepted him before he could get to our room. This party lasted about an hour. I tried to play nice and comfort during some, but that didn't put him back to sleep so had to get all disciplinary and firm. An hour later and he was back asleep in his bed. Success. An hour of sleep lost, but this is just a part of the deal and he'll catch on.
It could be worse, and maybe it is in some cases, but we think he's doing decently well and I don't look forward to the sleep loss, but I do look forward to seeing him make the progress to figuring it out. He catches on to things quick, so fingers crossed this is one of them.
And, let's be honest, it's not like you sign up for parenthood and don't read the fine print of 'lack of sleep will be involved'. And, not like three months from now we won't be zombies with a new, at this point, we'll just look at it as a little fresh reminder he's giving us.
Thanks, pal. Not needed, but thanks.
Hoping he catches on more and more. Thinking we'll use a gate so maybe if he can't come through the house that will help to..there's a few things we can try, I think, but mostly just have to stick to our guns and help him learn the ropes and this new set of rules for him.
It's crazy we're already to this stage and that the baby's room is now again a baby's room. Time is flying....need to enjoy these moments while they last.
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