Caden had been having a runny nose and allergies for a few days. He woke up twice early last week around four crying, only to find the poor guy having snot all down his face. So, we got him some childrens allergy medicine, but after a day of starting that we found that the allergies quickly turned into a cold by that Thursday night. Poor guy was miserable. He was running a fever around 100-101.5 the next day, so I stayed home with him. Wasted a little copay to hear that it was a cold that had to run it's coarse, which is what we thought, but wanted to make sure. He and I had a pretty simple day after that-he couldn't sleep well but was so tired so I propped him up more to try to help with his breathing in our bed and after some Advil and cuddles in a good little nap.
Luckily enough he seemed to bounce back pretty well. We're still fighting all the good ol' snot and some congestion, but no more temp after Friday and the rest of the weekend he did well. On the other side of the spectrum was Gary and I. I woke up Friday night/Sat morning multiple times with a sore throat and it just continued from there. Gary has been fighting congestion, I've had the sore throat to go with it all, but all in all we're all more on the mend and this cold is slowly parting ways with us.
It's that time of year, people. Unfortunately--I won't assume this will be the last cold we'll catch but I sure can hope it is! Colds stink...being pregnant with a cold and limited to the medicine you can take doesn't really help much either...
Moving on now. . .
This picture of Caden and I on a walk is so deceiving. It makes me have longer legs and smaller bump...totally not what's happening right now.
Cuteness. Caden loves his cousins. We stopped by Sheps soccer game for a short while and they all held hands on the way out. Just too cute. And then he let me hold his hand for a short while the other day while we relaxed and watched some cartoons. Caden really has such a sweet heart. He's your typical boy and toddler in many, many ways, but at the same time Gary and I have both noticed how caring and gentle he can be towards situations and people---just adorable and a trait I hope he keeps.
For the most part-Caden's been a great eater. He is all independent, which is fine, but that also leads to a little more laundry sometimes especially when it comes to yogurt.
We made Caden a little lego table for his birthday and he's loved it. He will build random creations here and there, but at this stage it's main use has been making towers. Big, big towers.
Look at these yummies. Yesterday at work I heated up my lunch early, nothing new there, that's been the trend these lunch is set for one and that just doesn't usually work with this pregnancy so I usually eat early at my desk and rest during lunch. It's a win/win. Anyways-heated up my lunch early but conveniently dropped in out on the mezzanine just outside our office doors. The heavy traffic, dirty ol' mezzanine. I was honestly contemplating doing a little washing and re-heating of the potato and sausage and keeping the cabbage that didn't fall out-saving the lunch-my coworkers were NOT on board with this. I could have, and would have gone and grabbed something else, the more I thought about it the more I got grossed out, but man it sounded good.
One of them stopped by a food truck when she was out for her lunch and split her findings with me. Funky Monkey Munchies to the rescue! It was super sweet-she didnt' have to, but she did and it was good, yummy, and fun. Something about food trucks just make the meals more fun, I think...
Now, we are at humpday. No big plans the rest of the week besides hosting our small group tomorrow. This weekend we have a wedding majority of Saturday, so hoping to get some good, simple family time in for Sunday before we re-play the daily grind all over again.
Next Thursday we have another baby appointment. We had one last Thursday, which was the glucose test and no news was good news so I passed! I ate Jimmy Johns, salty chips to go with and all, shortly before taking the first one for Caden so failed...I didn't make that mistake again. Newbie mistake...and also not sure how I didn't get the message to fast a bit beforehand, but oh well. So all is done in that area--we are now to bi-weekly appointments. Two more bi-weekly and then BAM weekly appointments here we come!
I have a crazy way of counting down in my head-it's still a week out until our next appointment, but I tend to skip through what we have planned and coming up and then before you know it I'm at November 13th, starting our weekly baby appointments. Because that makes sense, right?!
Lesson of the day: If it makes sense to the pregnant, tired woman then no questions needed, people.
Onto the remainder of the day, and to continue my odd countdowns. Until next time. . .
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