I was able to start my maternity leave as of December 1st, allowing me to have a possible two weeks with Caden before baby is to arrive. It never crossed my mind to not work up until I had the baby before, but it's finally official and this time around I am not going to be returning to work full time. So, I don't have to consider this to cut into my maternity leave time, and due to many discomforts at this stage, I started leave pre-baby. It is something that I didn't think we'd be able to do, and I'm still nervous in some ways with the financial side of things. I like to have more control than this gives me, but God really has shut doors that I had so badly wanted to be open career wise, and has placed people in our lives to help give us advice when we needed to hear it the most, then opened door after door for this transition of staying home to work and fall into place.
There is some hesitation over the responsibility I feel to be the best stay at home mom I can be, but I assume if I took it lightly I'd be selling myself and my family short. Right now, Caden and I are just enjoying our time together before baby. Trying to keep it simple and relaxed, as my body is so dang tired anyways. It's only day two into this gig and so far, so good. Sleep isn't good right now, and I've been having a multitude of false contractions, so simple and relaxed is just what the doctor ordered. I have a good friend that went through this transition herself a little over a year ago and she said it took her about six months to figure out their new normal. I can't even say Caden and I are learning our new normal of me not working yet because soon we'll be throwing a new baby into the mix, I'll be fitting in some at-home part-time work before too long so new-stay-at-home-mom-of-two-working-part-time will just be a whole new story!

My coworkers got a beautiful cake for my last day at work. Made me tear up, shocker. I have been there three and a half years and have made some good friends there. They are definitely a good group of loving, caring people. I am not a hoarder, by any means, but these three little trinkets were on my desk and had significance to me so here they are getting documented.
To be honest, as much as I didn't like missing out on so much with Caden, I also got used to our routine of going to daycare, going to work, coming home to dinner and playtime, then bed. It intimidated me to think that I wouldn't get the chance to 'clock out' like that during the days and that my responsibilities, no offense to my previous job, would change and have much more significance. I am very excited about being able to have this opportunity and just pray that I use my days wisely with the chance to be home and raise our children.
So. Day one. First things first-build marble tower as soon as we wake up. It's been about a 7:30 wake up time, which is nice, and Lord knows about to change anyways once baby is here. Then build with blocks. I even got to shower-gasp-while Caden watched a show. I got distracted with cleaning out a horrible catch all drawer that I wanted to get done before baby came-this is something I will have figure out how to balance, my personal 'to-do' list and being present and there for Caden and baby.
Then we ran to Wendy's for a lunch date, twist my arm. And he was a great helper at the grocery store, before heading home for naps and then into the evening 'routine'. He's been doing really well with grocery trips and loves, loves, loves to help us do just about anything.
Day Two. Probably to many shows and too much laziness in the morning, but I woke up sore and tired and it is what it is. Besides, we made our way to our friends house by late morning, and stayed later then we should according to nap time, but he was having a blast and I loved the time with the girls. Caysen and Caden are less than a week apart, and I know I've mentioned it before, but man they play so well together. They are adorbale, ornery, and so cute. We got to meet cute little Drake today, too! Caden has been really sweet towards babies recently. Let's keep our fingers crossed he feels the same when we actually bring little baby home to stay!
It definitely isn't as easy to maneuver baby snuggles at this stage in the game-but I was lucky to get what I got and little Drake was the cutest thing ever!
In love. Like I said, so far, so good. Lots of changes to come. Had to say goodbye to the old, and hello to the new!