Learning how to stop and play on Cadens level is something I have to work on sometimes. It's hard to stop thinking of all the things that I want to do, set those personal wants/needs aside and just play. Adults don't play very well, at least not without some careless influence of some liquids. Always having our responsibilities and chores to do-it's hard to disconnect sometimes and just.play. (hey. there's a good hashtag and motivation for moms. #justplay encourage yourself and other moms to set aside your to dos and get on your kids level physically and mentally and just play. Just play with them before they are all grown up, you aren't cool anymore, and don't want a darn thing to do with you. *if anyone steals this idea and gets famous for it, just know that you saw it here first folks* Luckily for me, I have a hidden contract for the boys that says mom will never be uncool and they will always, always love me.)

Watching the trash truck. Not much more elaborating I can do on this one, it is what it is. This boy is curious and loves him some trucks. No matter the size or agenda it may have, they are all cool to him.
Sometimes when Reid cries on car rides is stressful and you just want to cover yourself up with a coat and tune it out. Can't blame him. We've also caught him covering his eyes or ears during these moments. Again, can't blame him, there isn't much that can top the stress of a crying baby during car rides. Not really my cup of tea, or probably anyones for that matter.
Brotherly love. These two interacting, and Reid smiling at Caden or Caden showing concern when Reids upset makes my heart happy. Also, Reids got an amazing pouty lip. Makes me wonder how he'll use this to his advantage as he gets older...
So this one time, at bandcamp...nah, kidding, but really...after hearing an odd noise while playing in Cadens room one afternoon I went and looked where our water heater is, along with a drain, and saw some water at the base of our water heater and some of the carpet was wet. So-after taking a look with the help from my dad it looked as if it was the start of our water heater going out and leaking. So. Gary and my dad spent the rest of that afternoon removing the old one, buying a new one, and replacing it. It took the whole day. Caden was very intrigued with the whole process and loved having the big box to play in over the next few weeks. That was an expensive box for sure, but at least he made some good use out of it!
So, the downside to this was two days later I heard the noise yet again while I was starting laundry. And then saw the toilets bubbling up, and THAT was the initial noise I heard Sunday but didn't realize it. Then, went to look at the water heater and saw some water at the base again. Called my dad and called Gary, as I was on the phone with Gary the washer must have drained because up came a crap ton of water and here is where you can imagine me freaking out. Standing there, seeing all this water come up out of the drain and into your house without being able to stop it...ahhh! Not fun.
So, he came home and my dad came over and helped with damage control. It wasn't even until my dad was on his way over that I realized it was his birthday! This is totally my dad here. He had off of work, it was his birthday, but he didn't hesitate to call a plumbing service, head over to our house with my aunts carpet cleaner and get right to work helping us out.
I took the boys to see my grandma, as I had already planned, and then to my parents house to get out of their way. Even after they vacuumed up as much water as they could my dad left to go get my grandma groceries, ended up grabbing Gary and him food on the way back, hung out at our house before making a trip home, just to turn around and go back to our house once they finally got word the plumber was on their way. ALL on his birthday. I think selfless, caring, supportive are just a few good words to describe this awesome man.
So, clogged pipes fixed and story is done. We treated my parents and sisters kids to dinner that night at Applebees after everything was said and done. Even got her kids to sing happy birthday to him out loud in the restaurant...which he just loved.
My dad rocks, especially all this on his birthday, but also want to shout out to Gary here. He is just as selfless and such a trooper just doing what needs to be done and not hesitating. I felt such a relief once he got there and although it was still stressful and overwhelming, it was much easier to handle with him by my side!

Oh, the foot deal. Recently, he'll share a foot and if it's not after a lot of outside running around, stinky feet, I'll take him up on it because it amuses him so much. Then, one morning he did what he does to his little nose and wiggled his toes around on my nose. I was cracking up. It's an odd little thing he does and I just love him for it. It makes my boy that's growing up too fast be a baby again. That he sucks his thumb, puts his toes up to his nose and wiggles the little piggies--that all of that brings him comfort is just adorable to me. Now, if he's too old I'll have to tell him to knock it off and don't worry I have pictures I will cry over and miss him being little and doing that-but every good thing has to come to an end and surely this will phase out with age. Or his poor wife will be sleeping next to a grown man with his foot up to his nose. You never know.

When you are up feeding your baby at one am, you sometimes think hm...I wonder what bangs would look like. Then, sometimes, when you're feeling the need to try something new that same day at one pm you will cut your hair and bam. bangs are born. Fast forward almost two months later and I'm pinning these annoying suckers back and ready for them to be donzo. Typical. They are fun and cute but annoying and have too much of a mind of their own. Then add the Kansas wind on top of that. I haven't caught a glimpse of my bangs in the wind, but they feel really close to the token Something About Mary look.
This girl is just like her dad. She had some gum stuck on her lips so I gave her my phone so she could see herself and get it off. To make her father proud she did as he has done many of times, she snuck in some selfies. I love her and her fun personality so much. She's so creative, caring, thoughtful and positive. She rocks.
I'm going to end this Feb post with a tribute to my uncle. The day that our water heater deal happened my uncle passed away. We got a call around 8 am from my mom with the news that he had passed a few hours earlier. My Uncle Bill has been in and out of hospital and/or hospital like care for a long while. We've always lived in the same area as my aunt and uncle, and would always be over there growing up-for a while we were constantly doing Sunday lunches at their house even. It's Bobbie and Bill, ying and yang, just what I've always known.
Seeing the last few weeks of his life was hard. It's not how I will remember him. I will remember him in his garage, at his computer, in the living room watching Nascar, hollering with his kids about who knows what, possibly randomly falling asleep, enjoying watching the little ones run around...sounds silly, but this is how I will remember Uncle Bill.
It was really sad and at the same time really good to get in that extra time with family that we don't normally get amongst our busy days. My aunt and uncle always were hitting up the casinos, so, tomorrow we are venturing out to Kansas Star for night out at the casino with my aunt, mom and sister. GNO and I'm going to win big people...just you wait and see...
Happy February 2015, only written two months later, but let's look at the positive here that I was able to get it done at all!