Thursday, April 9, 2015

February 2015 1.2

FebRUary 2015. Surly I'm not the only one who says it like that in my head to make sure I spell it correctly...this is one of two, because there's just too much to cram all into one.
I've decided I may just have to make a 'look at my adorable sleeping baby' post, because let's be honest, I have a an abundance of those. Baby snuggles are priceless, but even more so when it's not your first and you actually get the chance to step away from your other mom duties and just focus on cuddling your baby. Ah-the best.

I would almost categorize myself as a champion block and train track builder. Well, maybe not, but I can make a mean block castle...just to have it knocked down seconds later. Son of a gun. Kid, do you know how cool that block castle was? Obviously not. Oh well, maybe next year they'll last longer.

Reid is going to enter the strong man competition by the age of five. His strengths are legs and back.

Unfortunately sometimes these big kid cuddles come with whining which hurts my ears, but not always and I've been working on my skill of tuning out the whining for all our sakes (or regulating and making the rules for it to stop.asap.), either way-it's nice to get snuggles from Caden still. I look at him like he's such a big kid sometimes. Not sure why, I know he always wants to keep up with the big kids and maybe with Reid being here I see him even bigger--but it's not until random moments in my day, or even few amongst my week, that I'm taken back and reminded how little he still is. Then I get mom guilt for thinking maybe I'm too hard on him sometimes, having too high expectations for his age. Just depends on the moment, I guess.

February snow. And look, this time I put his coat on him to enjoy the snow fall-monthly improvements here in mom world.

I was trying to take a picture to send to Gary at work and finally, once I got Caden to look and smile, Reid did this. *I could really use the crying laughing emjoi right now* It was so funny to me that we're all smile and he's just eyeing the goods thinking about when his next feeding will be. *emoji, emoji, emoji*
(Something about expression emojis just make everything better in text.)

I have learned to let go MUCH more since I've been home. I first found myself expecting the boys to be able to go off and play and leave me to enjoy Reid. Yeah, because a 2 1/2 and 4 year old are mature enough for that. Then I found myself picking up behind them constantly, like I was trying to do damage control as they were playing. Unrealistic and stupid is what that was. THEN after seeing Jen, our neighbor, and how she interacted with them when I went to pick Caden up once it hit me-I have to involve myself with them at this age. Caden and friends can't entirely entertain themselves and do their own thing. Maybe for a little while, and with the known expectation that it will look like a tornado hit his room but not for long.
Since then it's been more enjoyable and easier all around. I've let my expectations of a clean and orderly house go, because dang it-we live here and I am here with a toddler and baby all day so that's just how it goes these days.
Facetime is the best. Being able to easily connect with Jacob and his family is so nice, especially with how quick my nephew Alex is growing. It's good to be able to feel connected with him, his wife and son despite the disconnect when it comes to distance and actually being able to meet up. It's been four years in January since I've seen my brother. I've never been able to meet my sister in law or my nephew. And I've never felt such a strong love for two people that I've yet to meet. I can't wait for the day to be reunited with them all.

We got to have a date night to celebrate a friends birthday and it was my first real time getting dressed up for anything since having Reid. So, I may have gone a little overboard but heck, at this stage in life you take every opportunity to do your hair, makeup and wear nice clothes without having to think about where spit up, food, boogers, any kid crud may land. This also means I will try to sneak in as many picture of my husband and I while we feel all cool and kid free.
We went to a fancy new steak house out east-very yummy and they had pineapple infused martinis which are dangerously good. I think I could have bought a mini wardrobe change for the cost of our dinner...but it was a fun experience and great time with awesome friends!

So, the mentioning about not seeing my brother for four has been three years this July that my parents, sister and her husband went to visit Jacob. At that visit they were gifted many, many pieces of Thai fabric. Since then we have been working on making quilts out of said fabric. Three years to make a few quilts...yeah, because that's reasonable especially when you're not doing a set pattern. Whoops. Life gets busy, we make these quilt nights as girls nights and we have just lacked at getting together for those recently. BUT finally my sister initiated a girls night/quilt night, but my mom couldn't make it, so she and I chatted and knocked out three quilt fronts.

Love getting to spend one on one time with her, and let me be honest here, she is a sewing beast and did majority of the work. I'm not even sure how, I was working and talking but then next thing I know she had already finished so much.

Gary and I were able to sneak away to Panera before small group one night and I finally got the nerve to step away from my usual sierra turkey and try their 'power chicken hummus bowl'. My past supervisor used to always get it and it looked so good. It was pretty good, the hummus was a bit different than I expected and I think I had imagined it filling me up forever, yet later that night I was hungry again. (Duh. that was bound to happen, but I still had my expectations, ridiculous or not). Overall it was a good try though and I was happy I was finally able to have it. Doesn't top the Whole Foods salad though, not sure anything will top that masterpiece!

Valentines Day. We got Caden the movie Cars for the special day which he loved and we've watched plenty of it since. Our niece, Gracey, was born on Valentines Day, which this year fell on a Saturday-so we went over to their house to celebrate. Gary and I were able to sneak away Sunday to go purchase a new laptop (whew. stressful but awesome purchase) and enjoy dinner and some yummy beers at Old Chicago. We had the best time. We laughed and joked like we were dating again-it was so fun and much needed.

Some days you just have to hold your hand out and block your toddler from getting you. It was all fun and games, don't worry folks. But obviously it was already a 'wear your baby' kind of day, doesn't he see that and get the memo that I have one child strapped to me, I don't necessarily want the second one all over me, too? No, kids don't get that memo no matter how much you just want to stop and hollar 'puhleaze give me some personal space here.'
to be continued...

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