1. Reid doesn't care
2. I can hear you
3. Drama king
I limited his snack options to a cheese stick, apple or carrots. So, he hollered 'No! I'm not in the kitchen!' and off he went.
That was maybe five minutes ago, and they've been playing peacefully in his room since. I can hear toys crashing and the mess forming, but I don't hear crying and I don't have a little at my legs with a need so I'm good with it all.
It's funny how this week has played out thus far. I attended an event Sunday, the Fervent tour by Priscilla Shirer, and I think I went into it thinking okay-church and church event in one day, I'm going to be filled and ready to make this week my B.
Errrrr. Jay kay.
The event was good. The week has been good. Nothing to complain about, no kid issues, some extra family time for my dads birthday AND it's only a four day week for me as I head up to KC with my mom, sister and a friend of hers on Friday for the day/night.
So why do I feel so funky? What almost irritates me more than the funk feeling itself is how easy it is to fall into a funk and to dwell in it.
Usually giving the house a good clean makes me feel better, but I haven't made effort to do that, yet.
Usually I realize it's a lack of one on one time in scripture and with God, but I really haven't carved out time for that or plugged in a sermon to fill the gap.
Why do we allow ourselves to sit amongst our rut, look around, take in the crap view and not push ourselves up to climb out?
It's not like we have anything worth wallowing in. I know a handful of stories surrounding us, or friends of ours, that have reason to feel funky.
If anything we have reasons to feel praise and gratitude. Both cars unexpectedly has issues, and costly ones at that, two weeks ago. But that all came pouring down as we got our tax refund, so we didn't have to go into debt for it and that is something to be praised.
We weren't sure what we'd get back in a refund with my job change, but we got more than anticipated, which helped with the car ordeal so that is to be praised.
We had another blessing come up regarding vehicles, so again-praise.
We are a healthy household *knock on wood*-praise. Our jobs are good-praise. Praise here, praise there. No reasons to wallow.
It is my mindset alone that allows me to feel the funk. It is me alone allowing Satan to dwell in my heart and in my head. Maybe just putting this out there will help me take a bigger step towards kicking him out and clearing my mind.
I'm not going to pretend it's all rainbows and sunshine-even if what's going on around us is good and fine, I may still feel otherwise or, well, ungrateful.
But I also won't pretend that it's not me, and try to outsource the attitude problem. I took that route last summer and let me tell you, that was highly unsuccessful and messy.
So, here I am, as I know my time is limited with the two being preoccupied, letting go of my funk.