Last month as a baby. Psychhhhhhh! You'll always be my baby, sorry buddy, you don't get a say in that one. You are a hoot. Constantly on the go, extremely curious, super chatty and so funny. You definitely keep us busy and on our toes-but we wouldn't trade it for anything. It's so rewarding-honestly hard to put into words the amount of joy you bring to us little man.
So, what's up in your world?
-You've recently weighed in at 17lb 12 oz and about 28'' long.

-Speaking of food-you eat table food like it's no ones business. Almost anything you can have you'll take-more recently hot dogs, chicken nuggets, applesauce, cheese, and blueberries. You love blueberries!
-Just recently you've broken through your first top tooth-making your current total three. Slow going with those. This top one coming in has taken a toll on you though, making you irritable, tired, appetite change (bottle and food)-just throws a big ol' curve ball to you and to us. No fun, and we feel so bad because you can just tell you are not comfortable. Luckily-the last two days have been much better, haven't had to give you any tylenol to help and you are getting back to the 'normal'
-You are a crazy fast crawler and continue to walk more and more holding onto even just one hand. Starting to work more from one object to the next on your own-we think it won't be long before you're a lean, mean walking machine.
-In addition to crawling/start of walking you are always wanting to climb on things.
-You're curiosity gets the best of you. Just today I was in the bathroom flossing and heard you crawling in, but didn't hear much more and figured you had stopped and looked at me until I responded to your presence...nope, you were pulled up on the toilet and one millasecond away from your little finger in the water. sick.
-You love the dishwasher and love, love, love the fridge. As mentioned earlier, you'll climb into the fridge or freezer if/when you can. I'll have to admit, against our better judgement, we let you have 'fridge time'. It keeps you entertained and makes you so happy-especially during the teething mentioned before.
-You are a chatterbox. Mostly you're always yelling 'Da!! DaDaDaDa!!!'-the way you yell it always makes us laugh because it's as if you are honestly yelling at your daddy. Just today you've added 'Ma! MaMaMa!'-which I love of course. You're chatter, no matter what it is, is adorable.
-Speaking of chatter, you also say 'no'. Not sure yet if you truly understand the meaning, and don't think you do, but the timing you have sometimes when you say no is just so ironic it's really hard to think you don't know what you're saying.
-You love being scared/startled. Going around the corner from you and popping out with a good 'boo!' gets the best belly laugh ever!
You are so fun. It's such a sweet and wonderful gift that God's given us to be able to have you as our son. We couldn't ask for a more loving, friendly, and personable little boy. As much as I can wait for you to get bigger, I also can't wait to see how God will use you. I pray so much that we help show you God's love, show you the power of His love and kindness. It's scary having a child in the world as it is-so full of hatred and sin-I pray, and will always pray, for you to be able to see the good in people, be able to be forgiving as God has and continues to forgive us, know that no one is perfect-we are all born sinners and we all need God to help us each and every day. Humble yourself in that, Caden. I know you will be able to do great things, but all through the guidance and faith that I hope you gain in God. You already have a big heart, buddy, use it wisely little man.
Your dad and I love you to the moon and back, and again, and again, and again. XOXO
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