First Fourth of July for Caden was great! We went to Copper Oven for breakfast, went home and had naps and relaxed, ran to the store to get all the fruit, successfully cut out pineapple stars and then off we were to Aunt Erin and Uncle Ben's for family hang out, dinner and fireworks.
We were super lucky and got some yummy bbq ribs, brisket and hot links from Mark and Mary-huge thanks for cooking all that and sharing-it was delish! Caden didn't make it for the bigger fireworks, but still was able to see some fun ones-and stayed up till after 8:30, which is midnight in his world. Slept great in the pack&play while we got to enjoy some desert and more fireworks once it got darker.
Great time with family. Always just amazes me how fast our nephews and nieces grow/change, so fun to be able to enjoy them and grow those relationships. All in all nice and relaxing QT...just can't beat that.
A special thanks to all our troops past, present and future. We greatly appreciate all the sacrifices you have made and continue to make for this country.
Happy Independence Day, America!

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