Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our Growing Family

 We are excited to be able to announce that baby number two is expected to arrive December 17th!

Here's our precious little baby at 20 weeks. We chose not to find out the sex of this baby, as we did with Caden, this time. It was pretty dang hard sitting there in the sonogram room having to look away while she was checking out the bladder/leg bones so we wouldn't see anything. I'm the kind of person that is anxious to open Christmas gifts the moment I think you got me one, I have patience in some areas of life, but definitely not like Gary. Gary has always been fond of the idea of not finding out, so after we did with Caden I figured I could handle doing the next as a surprise. We're over halfway there and I've got this. I'm super curious, but at the same time, we're busy keeping up with life and a crazy energetic toddler boy that I luckily don't really have time to dwell on the sex of the baby.
This time, I just get to wonder, enjoy the feeling of baby kicks and movements and enjoy what we have right now (most importantly the sleep we have right now...) before this new addition joins the party!
We tried for eight months with Caden. That is nothing compared to some peoples journeys, that I know, but I do remember how hard it is to see anything outside the view of how desperate your heart aches for a child when you are wanting to have one and thought it would take no time. So, this time around, when we knew we were ready-but also knew we would be okay if it took a while due to Caden not being two until August-we started trying and bam, after one month we were shocked to find out we were pregnant.
Sometimes, I envy the women that aren't trying and don't find out right away. Those early weeks are tricky and this time around I was much more hesitant of sharing our news too early. God has blessed us with healthy and easy pregnancies thus far, but we have had friends who have had to go through some tough times, so the reality of pregnancies and the possibilities are just more real to me this time around. So, we waited until around Easter to tell most the family. After that we had a friends birthday to go to, it was all close friends, so we shared the news there as well.
But as for the digital world and those pals, we held off until the recent 20 week appointment. So...here I am, sharing our news and excitement!

Can't you see all that excitement on Caden's face?? He's just jumping with joy. . .he'll catch on, maybe, at least for sure when there's a new babe in the house, but at this moment he doesn't get it and when we tell/show him there's a baby in mommy's belly he just grabs at his own belly and says mommy. Close, kiddo, close.

At first, I had wanted the baby and Caden to share a room, and still do like the idea...but the reality is Caden wasn't even one month old before we moved him to his crib and not sure how it'll be with this baby but I don't want to fuss with worrying about waking him up while dealing with poo or feedings so a new room for Caden it is! There's work to be done in that area, soon enough we'll start taking some baby steps to getting things moved around in what is currently the toy/craft/random room so that it will be good to go for his first big boy bed (toddler bed, but not a crib-so it counts) and hopefully we can even out the toys so he just doesn't play in there all night. That's a reasonable request right?! Sigh...we'll see how this transition goes.

Lots to do between now and December, but we are so excited to meet this baby. Can't wait to see if it's a boy/girl, can't wait to see it's features, hear those little baby squeaks, get those baby cuddles, we're very, very excited for Caden to have a sibling and for our family to grow. Praying for the safety and health of this little blessing...can't wait to meet our little baby!

...until then, countdown is on!

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