Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Summer Recap

There's only 13 days left of 'summer break' for our family. My break is getting to 'sleep in' the majority of the summer days compared to our normal routine of running Caden to daycare before work and I am sooo going to miss that bonus. Gary finished a painting project last week so he has two full weeks of buddy time with Caden.

We need to work on this adorable 'cheese' face...but hey, at least he gives awesome hugs:)

We got some good time in with friends recently over a nice little bbq, and Caden got some good time in with his buddy/partner-in-crime, Caysen. These boys are less than a week apart and it's so fun to watch them play. Play..and then run around the corner and get into trouble every five minutes. They are ornery little stinkers and feed off each other so much, but man are they adorable. Always great to get time in with these friends too-the girls click so well, the guys get along great-it's a perfect mix, plus got to see an old friend/co-worker that I hadn't seen forever so that was a fun bonus! Great people, always encouraging and funny-love our time with them.

Seems like we haven't been crazy busy this summer, but it's gone by fast. Gary's been playing softball most Sundays, we had the family reunion trip to MO over 4th of July and we've crammed in a few good pool days-this past Sunday was one for the books. Caden got in some fun time swimming and then laid down for a nap and I got to have some mommy time floating and soaking up the sun with my sister, mom and her kids....amazing. I had a low point of telling the kids I was not going to be a cool aunt for a while so don't splash or bug me-whoops. Hey, everyone has their selfish moments...

Unfortunately, this week started out with Caden having a bad abscess that we had to take him in to the dr and they had to cut and extract it (insert many sad faces here-hate seeing my little boy in pain like that) so he's been healing up from that. Started out as what we thought was just a bite...then before we knew it two days later it just for sure wasn't getting any better and got to be more than we could/should have handled on our own. Medicine, band aids and ointment is the plan now and he's already looking better. whew.

Here's some cuteness from Daddy/Caden time. Love getting these pictures while I'm at work-always makes me feel more included and present. I'm biased and obsessed with Cadens level of cuteness right now. I mean, don't get me wrong, he shows the good terrible-two-year-old side already and shows it darn well sometimes, but that white-blond hair, cowlick, how he says 'mommy!!!' so enthusiastically. melt.my.heart.

Getting some time outside, he's loving his Mickey Mouse coloring book right now. He's connecting more with all the characters and thinks Donald is sooo funny.


Some fun park time, fun in his little pool to cool off, yummy popcorn-Caden loves watching the popcorn pop and of course eating it all up, zoo trip and last, but not least, a trip to see mommy at work!

Summer days have come to an end already, but good times were had by all!

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