Brotherly Love
I absolutely love the idea of brothers. Same sex siblings in general, I guess, but when we didn't know if Reid was a boy or girl, I kept thinking that the idea of little brothers was just adorable. Caden is a handful sometimes, the energy that boy has is never ending, but he also has such a sweet heart and is so fun--I love all the 'boy aspects' that come with that little, short ball of energy! The thought of him having a little brother to pick on, but defend if anyone else picked on him was just cute to me. Not that Caden will ever pick on Reid...surely not..
Caden loves his 'baby broder'. He's very good with Reid and poor little Reid has learned to tolerate Cadens volume of voice and constant chatter/yells. As well as Caden does with Reid, he is still in a stage of understanding where Reid fits in sometimes. There have been times when I am feeding Reid, and he requests for me to stop, let daddy feed Reid, and I come play. Or when dancing to the opening of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with him he stops, requests for daddy to hold baby and baby not dance with mommy, then we can continue. Nothing out of the ordinary in adjusting, I think, and honestly-as much as he does want that one on one, I feel like he has adapted quickly and does well with the fact that Reid is here and things are changing from what he was used to.
Anytime Reid really cries he'll run into the room usually saying 'uh-oh, mommy, wha' happen!?', 'oh, baby...', 'is okay, baby..' He's very sweet to his little brother, and sometimes a little too sweet and all up in Reid's personal space. If Reid is in the swing it's almost a given that Caden will go over and love on him. A few times Reid has gotten the hiccups and Caden has found some good humor in those, holding onto Reid and giggling at every hiccup. As much as Reid may not be on board with all their interactions at this stage, mostly because he's trying to sleep when out of no where he gets pounced on, it is already cute and fun to see the little interactions between my boys. Excited to be able to watch our little guys grow together, and feeling very lucky I get to be home and experience the majority of that.
I know sibling love will be a hit and miss throughout the years, but I really pray that our boys grow to love each other no matter what. That they respect each other and are able to have a strong friendship. Those kind of friendships are priceless and can't hold a candle to anything else and I long for our boys to treasure the gift that they have been given-each other.
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