One month has come and gone with the blink of an eye. Reid has shown to be pretty easy going thus far. He's adorable, of course, and can give some killer looks that hold what seems like a bunch of built up attitude I'm sure we'll experience some day. Here's what's up in Reid world:
-He deals with the loud noises and unsuspecting 'hugs' from his big brother like a champ
-He was already 8 lb 2 oz at his two week appointment, and has been eating and growing well, so we guess he's up to 10 lbs maybe, or close to it.
-He'll usually give me a good five hour stretch for the first part of the night. We still have to establish more of a good routine for the bedtime feeding, the last feeding before bed has varied between 9-11 usually, all depending on when his daytime feedings fall.
-He's starting to fight sleep more, just seems like it's been harder to get him to settle on his own and I've been using the moby wrap during the day when it's just me and the boys to help snuggle him up for naps and be able to be attentive to Caden and whatever to-do's there are to get done.
-He's a strong little guy. Pushes up on his legs and holds his head up well, will arch his back towards whatever he wants to look at.
-He's making more and more eye contact, especially these last few days.
-He loves the lights, always loves to stare off into the lights.
-He's already moved into his 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.
-He does well with the soothie pacifier--it doesn't seem like we'll have another thumb sucker with this one
-He's starting to show his own characteristics. At first we were seeing a lot of resemblances to Caden, and still sometimes do, but more so really have been able to see and experience little Reid for who he is and not seeing as much of his big brother in him now.
-The car rides are 50/50 with Reid and when he gets worked up, man does he get worked up! He gets so red and so upset if that paci falls out in the car-hopefully that will just be a stage and Caden can entertain and distract him more once he gets older.
-He drops bum bombs as if he's a grown man. Sorry, Reid, you'll probably hate me when you're older for documenting that--or maybe not since you're a boy--but you do, and it's pretty funny coming from such a pint sized cutie.
-He's already been 'sick' twice, unfortunately. It is that time of year, after all, and luckily it's only shown through congestion and snot. He's been good with the little nose sucker and saline and both times have only lasted about a week.
(look at the adorable quilt my sister made for Reid. She made both my boys their first quilts. She is the best, got this one done so quick, and it is so special to me to have that for them. Not sure if she'll ever know how much it means to me, love her so much and am so thankful to have her and her giving heart in my life!)
We love our little guy. Reid, I love your snuggles, your smell, I love your little snorts and turtle neck when you stretch out. I love when you keep your legs tucked up and your bum sticking out after a good cuddle. You are so sweet and precious. I never want to wish away these days and want you to be able to cuddle up on my chest and stay in my arms, but at the same time I am so eager to see the little boy that you will become. Caden is at such a fun, and trying, stage that I'm curious to see how you will be. It goes by so fast. It's amazing to me where we are now when I think back to when we found out we were pregnant with Caden. Seems like just yesterday he was a baby and now he's a rambunctious toddler and Reid is our little snuggle baby.
I want to slow myself down and take advantage of the time I have with you at this stage. Our days go by quick at home between the two boys and house chores-I just want to savor all of you as a newborn--you have already changed so much within this last month.
Your father and I love you so much, Reid. Happy one month little buddy!
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