Monday, July 30, 2012

2 For 1

I've been meaning to update, but slacked on getting my pictures on the computer-so now, here's a little 2 for 1 deal! Bonus, right?!

Part 1. Banana Bread
A few weeks ago banana bread popped in my mind. I found a Pinterest recipe (, and took to the challenge. 

Now, I would like to add that I am not a baker. I would love to be, but I just seem to fail at following directions whenever I do attempt baking. My patience dwindles drastically for some reason whenever I attempt any baking. Brownies are my go-to. So much that on more than one occasion when I announce that I've 'brought something' in front of my nieces and nephews their first reaction is 'Brownies!!?!'. Yep, I'm known for them :)

Kind of a mess-but in my defense do you see how many tortilla chips my man has out on the counter?! Chips and salsa obsession for sure-so I blame some lack of space on that...

 Walla! (I'm told this is spelled Viola', but I like 'walla' better)
 Turned out so yummy and moist! At first I thought it wasn't 'banana-y' enough, but changed my mind later. Success!!

Part 2. Kitchen clean out. 
I didn't take before/after pictures right. I not only emptied out one section before I thought to take pictures, but I didn't even get two lower cabinets, which were the most visual change too. Note that for the next before/after project. Lord knows I'm turning a blind eye to our junk cabinets we have...

 This cabinet was a mess. I wish I would have taken a before picture to show it. We have had an abundance of random Tupperware that we haven't used since we moved in about 2 1/2

I could barely believe the amount of cups we had in our cabinets-what the heck, you would have thought we had nightly banquets or something! (Drink banquets only, we didn't have near the amount of plates) This project took a little over 5 hours. That part was a little frustrating, but all due to how many breaks I had to take. Officially 4 weeks out from our due date as of last Friday, and my body is still a believer in early contractions and being a wimp-much against any say from me. BUT-it got done and felt so good to complete before our little man arrives!

All for now-not sure what the next project will be. The idea of getting freezer meals ready before Caden gets here sounds great...but actually getting that done. Doubtful. Highly doubtful!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Little Minions

We watched these little minions for the weekend while my family was visiting my brother in Thailand. They are the best. Yes, being 8 1/2 months pregnant and taking on three kids for a few days made me a bit tired-but at this point, so does walking from the parking garage into work. Maybe even more so-no joke. That walk makes my breathing take on a Darth Vader effect-not too appealing.

(Sorry Erin, had to steal a few photos)
No one can pass up a silly face. This is an example of Bethany's awesome silly face she's recently come upon. She'll instruct you to not laugh while she makes it, see's what your reaction is, and then she'll do it again in which case you are allowed to laugh. I can barely hold back the first time around. This little doll is up bright and early but, while having some chatter to herself, was easily entertained by making drawings for people. Sweetest thing ever-and already catches on to sarcasm which is so funny.

Wesley had a summer camp that week at Exploration Place and was able to take home a phone charger/pencil sharpener that he was working on destructing. He loved working on it, getting some help from Gary and I, but then was so incredibly proud and excited when he got through a phase of it on his own. I honestly cannot believe how fast the six years have gone with him-still crazy to me he's about to be in 1st grade!

Shepherd is just Shepherd-super funny and loving. One adorable thing he did was get out a book that Erin and Wesley's voice read through recording. The way his face lit up when Erin's voice read was so priceless-he just loved it and hearing her! Watching him and Beth play dolls and clear her entire bed off for jumping time was priceless. Not often do I just get to sit back and watch them interact. I mean, I do, but usually we're in on the action. Now, being 6:30/7:00 a.m., I voted to sit back and watch:)

We laid low during the weekend, and it went by so fast. We snuck in a trip to see gma, watered and picked the garden at YaYa and Bubbas, relaxing/hangout time at home, movie time, and to top it off a morning trip to the zoo before lunch on Sunday and then soon after switching the rolls back to my sister's mother-in-law.

These three make me smile so much-and each have such different personalities it's never a dull moment. They are so sweet and caring about Caden, too. They always make sure to give me and Caden a separate hug and kiss. Already sharing the love with our little guy:)

Being an aunt (and uncle) absolutely rocks. It is truly one of the greatest gifts our families have given to Gary and I! Now, soon-4 weeks:)-we'll be able to add to the cousin gang! :)

Update-found our pictures from the zoo trip we made! Can't withhold those:)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spoke too soon...

Definitely jinxed myself Sunday with the braxton hicks comment. Monday morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. (5:06 a.m. to be exact when I checked the clock) from pain. I started watching the clock and Gary moved so I told him that I was having pain and it was continuing to get closer together the last 30 minutes. I stayed in bed until sometime after 6:00 a.m., still tracking it and noticing it getting closer to 5 minutes apart.

After moving to the couch and over an hour later I told Gary I thought we should go in to be safe. I hated having to make that choice. For some reason in my mind I did not want to overreact about any of this and whenever I did start into labor I wanted to stay calm and not rush to the hospital and have a false alarm. I wasn't thinking this was labor, but at the same time it wasn't stopping, so I really had no clue what to think.

We arrived at Wesley just shy of 8:00 a.m. and checked in. Got back to a room and hooked up so they could monitor Cadens heartbeat and my contractions. While we were there the contractions got to be 2-3 minutes apart and weren't tapering off so they gave me some Tylenol, Benedryl and an IV of fluids to try to help slow them down. They also took some blood samples to make sure I didn't have any infection, since I guess that can cause early contractions/labor, and that came back fine as well. After being checked (talk about fun...not!!) I wasn't dilated so eventually after about two hours there they sent us on our way with the recommendation to return if the contractions got worse or Tylenol didn't help, or of course if any other labor signs happened.

We went home and crashed. I woke up with pain still, and still have it, but have been taking Tylenol which does help. The nurse said this could just be how it is until he actually does arrive. Well, talk about confusing!!

Gary's mom came over in the afternoon and brought some flowers which was so sweet of her! And with the help of a heat pack, Tylenol, some back rubs I think we can make it through until our little guy arrives! Not saying it's going to be a bundle of fun, because I certainly don't anticipate that now, but at least he's not coming too early. Looks like taking a step back and slowing down is in order until Caden arrives!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Countdown is on...

Picture blog galore right here!!! We have been on an amazing, emotional, crazy, fun journey these past 8 1/2 months of being pregnant for the first time. We are so excited to welcome our first baby, a little boy, Caden Russell Lee due August 24th. (Of course I'm definitely at the point where I would be okay with our little guy coming early!)

Enjoy some pictures of the journey-it's crazy to me how far we've come. It has gone by so fast, but to see the pictures of when we found out to now, man do I feel like change is an understatement!

We found out pretty early so the 'typical' symptoms you hear about didn't set in for another few weeks at first, but they sure did show up nonetheless! There are a few good breakdown moments that I had, no real good reasons of course, and I couldn't believe how tired I had become! Nausea was there, and I had some bad days, but having a coworker 8 weeks ahead of me and seeing how sick she was I knew I didn't have it that bad and it could be worse.

20 Weeks- Halfway there! I do think it's crazy how you are pregnant for 40 weeks (10 months) not 9 months like we always say...who in their right mind thought to tell such a lie?! 4 weeks is a lot when you're at the end of your pregnancy!!

All of that did go away for a while, but they sure didn't stay away for too long! I couldn't feel Caden move until probably about 21-22 weeks, shortly after we found out he was a boy. But ever since then, and especially the last month or so he has been SO active. I can't even begin to describe to people how strong this little man is! Many people comment how I always have my hand on the top of my belly at work, and it's because how much he is pushing and how strong he is pushing at that. Gary has been able to feel him and see him to which is fun! It definitely makes us wonder if he's going to give us a run for our money-and with how often he is active I keep wondering how this little guys sleep schedule will be like!

And here we are- 6 weeks left to go!

Added bonus to being at the end of this pregnancy has been swollen feet and braxton hicks. Since about 8 months they've started to swell if I am on my feet or sit too long. The braxton hicks aren't mistakable that's for sure-just have to mentally keep track of them so we don't get any false alarms here! Pretty sure my hips down are just done I think. Here's where I will give crazy props to my wonderful husband-he has been so nice about massaging my lower back from the pain it helps so, so, so, so much!! He's the best, and has been so supportive and great through these changes I couldn't imagine having a better man by my side. I am truly so grateful God gave me him as a best friend, husband, and soon to be father to our baby-he's going to be great!

Okay, enough chatting. All that made up for the abundance of pictures:) Off to make dinner and relax/soak up the rest of our Sunday. Enjoy the rest of yours:)

Friday, July 13, 2012


Boy, oh boy have we been showered with many blessings these last few months. With having our first baby due just six weeks from today-Yay!!-we have been humbled beyond what we could have even imagined with love, support, and gifts from family and friends.

Gary's co-workers threw him a surprise baby shower at the end of the school year. My college girlfriends threw a shower for me in early June. And to top it all off my sister (with the help of my mom and a few friends) threw an amazing shower in the middle of June for our little guy.

Let's just say we were soaked in showers. Which to us was the same as being soaked in blessings/being so humbled. It's a situation that we have had to take a step back and just thank God for all the wonderful people that he has placed in our lives. It's been such a journey so far just with the pregnancy alone, trying to prepare ourselves to be parents, and get ready for a baby-if that's even totally possible...

Overwhelming, excited, anxious, tired:), and a little scared at times are just a few of the ways to describe the last 8 1/2 months. Oh, add uncomfortable to that list, but that and pregnancy itself is a whole different story. Back to blessings. Here is a nice suprise I got from my friend I've known since middle school. BFF is the correct term, but I always like to throw in how long we've known eachother since that seems to be more and more rare to still have friends that long.

Aren't they gorgeous?? It came with a card saying 'Something to make you smile before Caden's arrival! Love you, BFF'. Cue the tears at this point, but all good tears. And thankfully the flower lady didn't give her the chance to write on the card herself or who knows how out of control that would have gotten:)(I will add a small side note that my family is in Thailand visiting my brother right now too which is so bittersweet and makes me emotional all in itself)

She's the best though. And to say that having her as a BFF is a blessing is an understatement. Through the good and the bad, any ups and downs we've had in life or even with eachother we've stayed so close and I thank God for that. Definitely good to have a solid, honest person in your life like her.

Enjoy the cute picture of me and Katie (aka BFF) from the baby shower :)

We have so many wonderful people in our life. I always have to remind myself while I'm sending up prayers on my drive to work to thank God for all his blessings. Gary and I are so thankful to be able to share this crazy journey of life with them all!