Tuesday, May 21, 2013

9 Months

You have become such a little boy. Yes, that's what you've always been-but you are transitioning quickly out of being our baby boy. You are changing so much just in the blink of an eye. You are also on the other side of the house just in a blink of an eye. Keeping us busy for sure.

What's new in your world.

-You weigh about 16 lbs 7 oz
-You are a crazy fast crawler
-You pull up on everything and will move from one object to the next with ease-which makes us wonder how fast the 'walking stage' will get here.
-You aren't a big fan of pureed baby food. You'll eat it if everyone else is eating, but we've accepted that you are just going to be a table food baby.
-You've tried basically all the fruits and veggies there are and you're good to go there-no extra allergies. *knockonwood*
-Your tooth is coming through more and more...and sharp...you little biter.
-99.9% sure your second bottom tooth will make its appearance any day now.
-You are overall a great sleeper. You go to bed early, around 7pm, and usually sleep through the night-sometimes waking to eat and go back to sleep, and with the new steady routine of daycare with Miss Laura you're catching on to waking up between 6:00-6:30. That's great and all, because it's heartbreaking having to wake your cute little self, but then the weekends come and you are up too early, buddy! Plus your daddy starts summer break in a few days and then your schedule changes a bit too-so we'll see how that goes.
-You are easy going. as easy going as a little dude can be, I guess, but you do well with a variety of people and are usually happy go lucky
-That being said, you are very determined. You know what you want and don't want-which is good, but I do request that once you get older and more disciplining has to take place that you please let go of your strong will and be a good listener. That's a simple request...right?!
-You are awesome. We are having so much fun with you-wearing us out or not-you're curiosity and excitement for life and the simple enjoyments that life has to offer is so refreshing to us (and adults in general) and so fun to be able to experience with you.
I have to have some proof for you in the future when you ask 'moooom! why'd you let my hair be so cray cray?!' that I DO try to tame that tuff you rock. It minds its manners best after bath, with slightly wet hair and a bit of lotion-it doesn't last long before it breaks loose though. 

I am so excited  you get to have summer break with daddy. Super jealous-yes-but so excited. And happy that you will have times that you get to go to Miss Laura's while daddy does some projects. I think it's good for you to stay in touch there and she is so great with you I want you to keep in touch with her and your buddies there too.

Well, buddy, that's the wrap-up for 9 months. Excited for this summer with you and all the new adventures you'll get to experience and things you'll learn. Thanks for letting us tag along-we consider ourselves the luckiest parents on earth.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Upside Down

While leaning against Gary playing Candy Crush (Hello. My name is Amanda. I'm addicted to crushing candy. twentyfourseven.) he started to throw in the towel for the evening-which was fine, it was time-but his moving made me fall more into the couch and find myself in the starting phases of being upside down on the couch.

Why don't we try sitting upside down on the couch?!


What? Okay...well, sure...lets go then.

Not sure if this picture is just extra excited about the blog topic or if it just wants to test my patience, but I give up and it shall remain excited about the blog topic.

I know it's hard to tell, but the excitement wore off fairly quickly for Garbear. The whole situation, no hesitation on his part to flip upside down, his reaction and staying that way long after he wanted just to appease me-it all had me laughing so hard. We stayed that way for almost five minutes while I took pictures. This is just two of many.

I love my husband. I love the fun (sometimes odd) moments we can have. The carefree nature we try to keep in our relationship. Love my boog to moon and back. and again. and again. and again. Right side up or upside down.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

8 months

Life as we know it will never be the same. You are a mean-planking-crawling machine. Still have the best laugh out there and such a strong personality which always keeps us guessing-but thinking that's the just story line of most babies. Never a dull moment.

  • You weigh 15 lbs 11.5 ounces
  • Tried green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, squash, corn and bananas
  • As said before, you're crawling. You turned 8 months on Wednesday and Thursday after coming home from work we had a crawling boy. You were scooting and planking for a while and within a blink of the eye you were crawling...everywhere. It's so exciting, fun, and exhausting all in one
  • You pull up and stand any chance you get. Be it the crib (already lowered once and on it's way to another lowering...), person, toy box, ottomans, tv stand (get lots of 'no' and redirecting for that one...)-if you can pull up on it, consider it fair game
  • You're vocal. Always have been in some ways, but finding your voice even more now
  • Ornery. Definitely already have an ornery streak.
  • You seem to fight sleep more, but that varies as other things, and of course it comes to mind as we have already been in your room 6+ times to place you back from standing to laying down and you're showing us your fighting side tonight for sure. 3 more oz of formula solved that problem-guess you were just hungry...our bad-you live and you learn, right?! (and in our defense you refused to eat more of the first bed time bottle so thought you had enough...gah.)
  • No teeth. Just realized I haven't mentioned teeth, but you always seem to be 'teething' and having signs of that, but you are still toothless. In due time...
  • You still are a great sleeper. It varies sometimes but usually no more than once a night, if even, wake up, eat, right back to sleep.

This was our most trying 'photo shoot'-so curious and such a little busy body:)

You are amazing. Being a parent is so rewarding, challenging (every baby varies so a manual wouldn't even help-and you know what they say about opinions...) and so fun. To see you exploring so much has been an awesome experience and we are excited to see you continue to grow and figure out many new things.

It's so crazy to see how much you have changed and grown. It's so fun and sad all at the same time. My little baby isn't a little baby anymore! You are a joy little man-we're so thankful we get to be your parents and anticipate all the adventures we have yet to experience with you. Love you booger.