Thursday, August 27, 2015

Three Years Old

You are funny, energetic, creative, ornery, stubborn, imaginative, an early riser, you play hard and love harder, mostly easy going and adapt well to change. You would spend all day playing outside if we let you, yet also can zonk out to a good kid movie or show from time to time.
You are a great brother to Reid, constantly tending to him when he cries reassuring him 'It's okay, baby, it's okay...' and no one can make him laugh as hard as you can. Whether you are trying or not-he finds you super funny be it you dancing in the car to Mickey Mouse music, chasing after you (with our help at this point), or just yesterday you had him giving the best laughs and all you were doing was standing outside throwing a nurf toy at the door while he stood inside and watched.
You love to watch Octonauts, Dinotrucks, Cars, Monsters, Inc, Land Before Time, Curious George-you don't scare easy when it comes to kid shows. Any kid show you've watched that has scary moments hasn't seemed to phase you one bit.

You love to wrestle. I'll give you one glane, and a people elbow sign and it's on. We can act like t-rex or triceratops and 'rawr' and wrestle or just let you pull out your crazy arm swinging/peoples elbow, as long as we are tossing you around and tickling you, you have a blast. It's fun, but sometimes hard to get you to tone it down a bit and stop climbing all over us in wrestle mode.
Your love language is definitely quality time. You thrive on that. It's been harder to balance that at times now not being the only child, but we do our best. You can also tell when Reids been more needy than not because you start to act out more as our focus usually isn't shared very well during those moments and times. That being said, you also do decent enough just hanging out if we are busy with Reid, especially if one of your shows is on. 
You are protective and caring. We put a gate up at the hallway entrance when we leave to block off that area from the dogs, but we just lean it up and on day I crossed over to grab something and as I crossed back I caught my foot on it and tripped over it, bringing it crashing down with me. You were so attentive and came to my side immediately asking what happened and if I was okay. After telling you I tripped over the gate you went over to it and gave it a few good revenge punches--coming to my defense and showing that gate who's boss. It was so sweet and funny.
You still suck your thumb. Additionally, you still hold up a socked foot to your nose at the same time and wiggle your little toes back and forth at the bottom of your nose. You almost half heartedly suck your thumb, too, because you always have a nice pool of drool on your shirt and down your arm. It's just adorable....wait, no, it's actually one of the main things that takes me back in remembrance that you are still a little boy even though you show teenager traits sometimes.  
You are defiant, but also compliant. You are struggling with stopping when we say stop, and continue to test that at this time hitting once or twice more after we directly tell you to stop. Today, in fact, as we were in a quiet Christian bookstore you proceeded to not listen and continued to pull on me from the cart after telling you to stop. Looking back, I should have turned around and told you more directly, but I didn't, and you unsurprisingly continued to do what I told you not to which led to you flipping over the cart crashing it to the ground. Luckily Reid was in his carseat and strapped in, and I somehow caught him mid-way, but you-as karma would have it-took the fall with the cart. You both were fine but upset, only causing an embarrassing loud and unfortunate moment. Hopefully a learning point, but kind of doubtful-you soak up so much and have caught on to so many new things but at the same time we can be sitting there explaining something as simply as we can and you are just giving us glossed over eyes and it's going in one ear, out the other. You look as if you are taking it in, but the next minute do the exact opposite. Oy vey, my child, oy vey.
You have helped me grow in my patience and always help me to see the simplicity in the daily things of life. Not always, my adult eyes and mindset are hard to overcome sometimes but it is refreshing to see life through your eyes and get in on the excitement that you are able to have over the little things.
You love the zoo, feeding the fish is one of your favorite things to do, and love going to Exploration Place or the park. You make new friends on many of our outings and love playing with other kids. You will start a Kids Day Inn program at church in a few weeks, one day a week from 9-1 and I think you will really have fun.
You love to help, especially in the kitchen. Takes more time, patience, and we really can't take our eyes off your or leave you alone in there because you rarely listen through to our warnings or instructions--your curiosity gets the best of you I'm afraid-but overall it is fun to have you learn and help beside us.
You are at such a fun age. You say the funniest things, and you are a parrot right now and always full of questions. You're a backseat driver at it's finest. Always telling us when to go, stop, slow down, go this way not that way. It's humorous, but more so when I'm not driving and definitely not after a long day. Momma can only take so much.
You love to play hard and get dirty. You love bathes. You love books and puzzles. You have the biggest sweet tooth and would divulge in sweets all day if we allowed it, one of your absolute favorites is ice cream. Also shown in the picture is the fact that you'd much rather just wear underpants around and we have to make your wear pants. You don't argue much, but you almost always try to protest a little.
You also have a great habit of being polite. You do well at saying thank you, nank you as you pronounce it. You say please and sorry-sometimes in the wrong moments but still, glad you are learning to be kind and have good manners, even if we have to stop and remind you-it's usually not something you fight us one and will be quick to correct yourself and ask politely instead of just demanding something or being rude. You're just a kid, speak your voice and let us know your opinions-not much is in your control and this stage in life, but hopefully we're able to teach you how to do so in a respectful manner.
The past three years has come and gone so fast. Your dad and I are so proud of you and could not be more thankful that God has allowed us to be your parents. We are trying our best to show you love and patience, we pray for guidance in our parenting that God may help us teach you and your brother His love, kindess and pray that you grow to know God's love and will for you as you get older.
You are an amazing boy, Caden. We cannot begin to describe how deep and strong our love is for you. Thanks for bringing smiles to our faces when we've needed it the most, giving the best hugs, and being willing to forgive and learn along side of us.
Thank you for three years that have been absolutely priceless to your father and I. We have learned a lot the past three years, and trust me, we continue to learn and grow right along side you on a daily basis--we wouldn't have it any other way. The good, the bad, the ugly--you're stuck with us, pal, for better or worse. (That's exciting and promising to hear, right?)
We love the heck out of you, Caden. Nothing will ever, ever change that. Happy 3rd Birthday, buddy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

March 2015 2.2.

More from March-it was a busy, busy month as were the months before. Gary turned the big 3-0! I pulled off a surprise party for him and his buddy Drew the weekend of his birthday. It was fun, and with the help of our friends everything turned out great! We got away for the day, my mom took the boys, and it was a big day for basketball so we spent our time downtown celebrating with food and drinks watching some basketball and hanging out. It was fun and relaxing, but I couldn't shake being nervous and secretly covering my butt with texts from people about the evening surprise.


It was actually a perfect day out to enjoy food and drinks on the patio downtown. Tried my first grapefruit beer, which was yummy! We had our day of fun, then went to River City Brewery before I had to pull Gary away from there to bring him back to the Pumphouse for the surprise. Pat got Drew there maybe thirty minutes before us...should have realized going to River City would take longer and we'd want to linger. But, we didn't linger and because he's such a great guy he went along with my excuse of wanting to have another grapefruit beer so we cut the dinner short, headed back, and surprise! Spent the evening celebrating with friends and a big sigh that all the planning and small fibs could be done with! It was a fun way to celebrate!

Nothing says Happy 30th like a good embarrassing picture cake that showcases the old bowl cuts and curly hair!

Caden loves the outdoors. Now that it's late July that I'm talking about March it feels weird to me to think of how we had to stay inside most days away from the cold. But he would venture out whenever we would let him if it was nice enough out-or we'd layer him up and he'd fight the cold and run around for a bit. He just loves it outside. Even now, amongst the summer heat, he'll opt to be out there so we just turn on the hose and let him run around the yard watering anything and everything and he'll do that for a good hour or more if we'd let him!

His imagination is endless. Always pretending so many different things or scenarios. Here he has gathered up 'dinners' and took it upon himself to try to take a bite of this branch, which maybe was a pretend fry...?

A few more Caden funnies....dumping all his blocks and covering daddy. Taking a bite out of the bottom of the candle we used for Gary's cookie cake. Hiding a dinosaur in the washer and letting it get a good, clean bath. Taking the dinosaurs for a ride in his dump truck. As he gets older he sometimes gets more trying, but such is life of a toddler/kid, but man it is so funny-most of the time, at least-to see how his brain works and where his curiosity leads him.

When it's nice enough to get some fresh air and get outside, we layer up and of we go. They don't make winter clothing and blankets for no reason! Maybe it would be easier if we had a basement to provide some sort of surrounding change outside of our one level, but I still think more levels/rooms or not, sometimes the only solution is to get some good fresh air.

Caden loves Reid, but especially seems to love being able to interact with him more and Reid starting to be able to 'sit up' and be more attentive has allowed them to have more of that brotherly interaction which just melts my dang heart. 

I mean. Hello, handsome! How fun are those shoes and that smile. Those shoes were a gift from my friend Holly for Caden at his baby shower and now Reid gets to capture a moment in them as well! Gary used to have a pair the exact same. At first, I couldn't grasp why he would want to wear checkered shoes, but he did, and that was his style which was something I loved about him. So, it was a special gift to have little newborn shoes just like daddy!

The zoo is sometimes our second home. It is so nice to get out of the house at least once a week and venture out to the zoo. Caden loves the animals and Reid is always game for a stroller ride, especially there where we're always on the go. I also have come to really appreciate our zoo-the layout and variety it provides. Great times had by all-they get out and about and I get to see them enjoy their surroundings and catch a break in the sense of self entertainment.

Just a cute baby snoozing. Reid and I seemed to do a lot of snuggle naps during the early months. I think half of it was I was too tired to try to 'train' him to get used to napping in his crib and just voted more for a guarantee snooze break vs a fussy baby that would wake Caden.

 These days, my lap is rarely not full. I read a blog that described a mom feeling 'so alone, yet not enough alone time' and in this stage of life that rings tried and true. If it's not one, it's the other, and sometimes both filling up my arms--I wouldn't have it any other way, but I would also be lying if I said sometimes I feel so drained by kind of living in kid world for the majority of the day. It's what I begged and cried for when I worked full time, and luckily God has shown me grace in my adjusting to this new normal of two kids, being home with them and working part time--it hasn't been the easiest chapter for me to navigate through but the fact is that I am navigating and even though it's been hard, the good outweighs the bad hands down.

Caden will sometimes, not often-but sometimes, as to hold baby. He doesn't even really do much of the holding, that's more done by us and mostly because he simply doesn't even attempt to wrap his arms around Reid or support him, but hey-it's a start and bonding is bonding so I'll take it!

Dinosaurs, couch pillow, cartoons and one out of two taking a snooze. As simple and sweet as that.
How does this cute baby keep sneaking in here? Reid has full brown eyes that are dark and beautiful. Caden has handsome hazel eyes that pick up blue or green tones when he wears like colors. Many, many people think Reid looks like Caden, but I only really see it when I look back at Cadens baby pictures where some similarities stand out. But man their eyes are definitely one thing that sets them apart and I love the differences in each.

We have a park a mile and a half away. I would run there with Caden, play, a run back. With the addition of Reid it's been easier to drive our happy selves down there, so we try to go there every once in awhile. It's a given that Caden will pretend to serve food at this little spot under a slide area, almost every single time. His imagination is endless and so amazing.

We can wrap up March with this silly picture. He loves seeing himself and making faces back at himself. This looks like, and from what I can remember was, one of those early mornings watching some cartoons before getting our butts into gear. Early mornings take on a new meaning when you've also been up at least once with the baby, then your other little wakes up around 6:00/6:30 am. There was a stage, an unnecessary stage might I add, where Caden wouldn't sleep much past 5:30 am. Why, no clue, but he did and it was And by fun I mean I basically had to tape my eye open and fight falling back asleep on the couch. Luckily he's cute, funny, and so worth it. (none of those three traits came to mind those early mornings unfortunately...)

Happy March 2015, ya'll.
*spoken and documented in true new mom of two fashion five months later*


You are now eight months old. So very active and curious.

Just four days before you turned eight months you had to undergo surgery at Children's Mercy in Kansas City for hypospadias. It was an early, early morning and long day. We got to the hospital just after 6:00 am and left to head home about 1:00 pm. The surgery itself took about three hours, and you did great. You did okay the first few days, alternating through stronger pain medicine and then halfway through seemed to become very irritable and we had a few days/nights of little sleep and lots of tears. We took you in to the doctor and got a false reading for UTI, which would have been horrible if you had one-but with how uncomfortable you were acting it at least would have been a good explanation outside of any surgery complication reasoning. So, during the couple of days we thought the UTI was happening we put you back on stronger pain medicine for sleep which helped. You still seem irritable compared to normal, but once you caught up on sleep and got some good, solid rest it made a huge difference and now we're just assuming it could be some healing discomfort or maybe working on teeth.

SO. With that being said, what's the eight month old Reid up to?

-As hinted at above, you seem like you could be working on teeth, but have yet to see anything. Only have the hints of attitude and gnawing on majority of things that you can get your hands on.
-You have recently weighed in at 17 lb 4 oz, and I'm not sure how long you are but you are already in 9 month clothing, some 6 months when it comes to shorts/bottom wear, and all 12 month pajamas because of how long you are. In general it's crazy and fun to see you wearing what your brother wore on you, but more crazy when you, at 8 months, are wearing what he wore around 16 months.
-You had been sleeping well before the surgery, going to bed earlier around 6:30/7, usually could guarantee you waking around 4-6 for a bottle and depending on how early maybe going back to sleep for a bit. Since surgery it's just been up in the air, but getting better and starting to be similar to what you were like beforehand.
-You shriek. I almost can't even imagine a 'normal' baby cry in my mind anymore-like what kind of non-shrieking baby cry in the middle of the night/early morning may sound like because I am so used to your shriek cry. Usually especially waking up from naps you share the glorious sound, and more recently any waking up throughout the night time comes with it as well. You would think someone was chopping your little leg off, it sounds like you're being tortured. Even taking you to the changing table last night before giving you your bedtime bottle, which I know you were overdue and wanted badly, but you shrieked, cried, and threw such a fit all over diaper change and change to pjs. It's funny, and makes us just smile and shake our heads...unless it's in the middle of the night and there's just no talking any sense into you...then it's just kind of rotten to hear. Just being honest pal, everyone has negative qualities and luckily, this is one you'll outgrow, at least you better or you may be flying solo forever if not :)
-That being said you're also rather quiet. Not a super chatty baby at least, unless you have an issue that we need to know about you keep most your opinions to yourself.
-No crawling for you either. Your dad and Yaya swore you'd be crawling and with teeth by 7 months, then when 7 months came it changed to before 7 months was over, but no to both of those things. You sure do manage to get around the room though fairly well by rolling around. You just haven't caught on to crawling, yet are finally showing some more frustration when we set you down so I wonder if that will fuel you to move.
-Sometimes when you are being held you arch your back a bit and hold your arms back and out. It's funny and as if to make sure and let us know you want to be held, but no cuddles. Hold me, but not too close and don't try to get all cozy with me now.
-You love to stand and 'walk' with help though, so I also wonder if you'll just be one of those kids that almost skips crawling to walking once you get old enough. We shall see, only time will tell.
-You love your binkie still and it is the cutest thing to see you grab for it. You use it as normal, but also shove it in your mouth sideways and just chew away.
-You have tried majority of all the main fruits and veggies to try, but honestly it's been basically since before surgery that I've given you any. I tried the week after and you just didn't care for it, and we've been more focused on just getting your appetite back for the bottles anyways that I haven't messed with pulling the frozen ones out to try. You liked it and were on a good roll, but lets be honest, you don't even have any teeth and it's kind of a nuisance to feed a little one baby food, so until you get your groove back I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
-You love watching Baby Einstein shows and have for the last few months. The animals or puppets ones are your favorite, and although you are restricted from the jumper right now you usually will be entertained just jumping with those shows on while you watch your brother play or run around.

You are a fun and handsome little fella. You're already showing fun qualities that are such a great addition to our family. I can't wait to see what you're like as you grow older and are able to interact with Caden more. I'm glad the surgery is behind us, that you are on the mend, and that we are able to feel like you are finally healing and feeling better.

We love you so much, boogie. xoxoxo