Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chubby Stubs

I am not a feet person by any means. I partially blame my sister for that, but the pictures I took of my chubby stubs at the end of my pregnancy still shock me. This was taken a week before Caden was born. I was telling my friend Amber about how they would swell up, and sometimes the left more than the right and I just had to take a picture to show her. 

(you can even see the sandal imprints. Only one of three pair that I could really even wear-and they still cut into my feet. Don't miss that!!)

See, feet aren't really a pretty sight-but look at the difference! At the time I knew I was looking and feeling swollen, but to see the difference in pictures still gets me and makes me laugh at how stubby my little piggy's got.

Enough with the feet talk. Just had to get this post done and out of the way-too much of a crazy difference not to share! Glad to be getting back to the 'before'-even better, having my little man to cuddle with :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

One Month!

Our little squeaker, no really-he squeaks a lot and it's pretty dang adorable, is now ONE MONTH OLD!! Seriously?! Where the last month has gone I have no idea...okay, I have a big idea actually-it's followed the repetitive pattern of eat, sleep, play (playing is limited at this time of course). Of course throw in a HUGE dose of cuteness, hugs-very mini/little ones at that, and kisses-a bajillion and one of those.

 Love this expression. I blame this look on his being so little-I had to take so many pictures just to get a few good ones, he probably thought I was going crazy!

He's now:
-starting to connect and focus in on you more
-his top record of sleep at night so far has been 9:00 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
-he feeds well, uses his paci but hasn't yet seemed reliant on it which is a bonus
-has taken a few bottles well
-sleeps cuddled up with you and independently
-turns towards my voice (you better believe I'm loving that!)
-sleeps well in his crib (that could be another blog I guess, but mainly helps all three of us sleep better)
-holds his head up well and long
-has had to experience a few 'cry-outs' (they haven't lasted longer than 15-20 minutes...kind of  pretty dang hard)
-weighs in at 9 pounds
-21 inches long


Caden, your dad and I adore you. We are so excited for you to get bigger and to be able to experience all the joy and personality you bring to our lives. We cannot wait for our family to grow together. You have been such a joy and blessing thus far, and we are such lucky parents to have you as our son. So thankful to God for all he has provided throughout this journey and prayers for the journeys that we have yet to share with you.

We love you little man-Happy One Month!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time Flys When You're Having Fun

Monday was our 2nd Wedding Anniversary-Woohoo!!! Now, no help from Caden, I have attempted this post quite a few times since then-but am finally getting it done! 

Two years isn't crazy long, but man has it gone by so fast and feels like it's been longer. We've done so much in two years and have had so much fun throughout it. My brother said 'two years and a baby-you're on your way to having your own football team by your 20th anniversary!' I miss him and his humor-but Gary told me a football team consist of 11 players...psych!!!!! No thank you!

We have been so lucky to have a great two years so far-and now with the addition of Caden we have just started on our journey of being a family together! Parenting isn't easy, with a newborn at least...he can't even talk back yet-we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, but it has been great with Gary by my side. Sure we've started to have a few moments where we let the exhaustion make us grumpy, but to be able to set that aside-realize we're letting that happen, apologize and move on means so much to me. 

We'll never pretend to be perfect, that's just ridiculous. But we will continue to love and care for each other fiercely. Yep. Fiercely. Because I just don't think mediocre will cut it. To say he makes me a better person is an understatement.

...plus his amazing good looks don't hurt either :)  So in love with my man.

Happy Anniversary, Gary! I love you, boo. Always, always, always. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

They say...

...a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, try a bajillion in this case. 

Within minutes of the hospital staff rushing into our room and rushing me to the O.R., I was told it was for certain that a c-section was underway. Gary appeared shortly after, one of the worst parts was he had to stay in the room at first since they weren't sure what was going to happen, and my mind-while trying to grasp everything that was suddenly occurring-went straight to the fact that we didn't have a camera.

I've seen many pictures from c-section/O.R. moments, and I was so nervous that this was it, we were about to meet our son and we had no camera to document this moment. My first thought was to my sister, Erin. I knew she had her camera, she even snapped a few ungodly pictures right after the epidural had set in (those should never surface if I have any say). 

I was told we couldn't have her come back, so I asked if someone could get her camera. Thankfully someone ran out to the waiting area, fetched the camera, confusing our family even further, and just a few short minutes later we heard the first cries of our little boy.


Now, pregnancy has it's share of hormones-but new motherhood tops that. I am brought to tears so often anymore. Whether I'm singing You Are My Sunshine to Caden and hitting the line 'you'll never know dear, how much I love you', seeing my amazing, handsome husband and son together, or just taking in the overwhelming beauty of our little family-I am instant tears. This picture does the same. Flashing back to that moment takes my breath away. 

I love it. I love Gary. I love seeing him as a dad, seeing his support for us as a family and for me as a new mom is amazing. I love Caden. He somehow even can make being pee'd on, woken up way too often and spit up cute. That little boy just melts my heart. I love it all.

More and more thanks and prayers up to God. I am still in awe of his glory and blessing that he has given. It is such a 'beyond me' feeling to think back to the day we found out we were pregnant and to be where we are now. So amazing!