Saturday, July 9, 2016



In Hebrew meaning life; living being.

Devotional Seven Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know.

In Psalm 19 versus 1-4 David writes:

'The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.

Day after day they continue to speak. Night after night they make Him known.

They speak without a sound or word. Their voice is never heard.

Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.'

When our four year old hits or acts out in a hurtful manner, be it having a large impact or not, we reiterate that there is no good reason to act out in harm towards anyone, human or animal.

I stop and step on my own toes thinking of all the reasons I would want to validate them in when it comes to self defense. I get defensive even thinking about it.

But here, I'm talking acts of hate. Not acts of defense or protection. Even that I can debate myself on...

But America...I take that back, WORLD.

Who are we if we show hate? If we inflict harmful words, actions, behaviors upon others? How are we any better than those which have recently done so?

Satan is just loving this. Eating it up.

People turning on each other, showing hate verbally or physically. And because of what-a skin color difference, a difference in religion, opposite political viewpoints, having preferences or lifestyle unlike your own?

It is horrible. It is downright ridiculous and it needs to stop. Now.

Gods work is shown beautifully throughout this world. There is love and there are people fighting for the better. But not enough. The viewpoint of todays world is too focused on self.

Self image; be healthy, be happy, but quit being self centered. Self status; be productive, make an impact, but quit thinking the world revolves around you. Self opinion; have a voice, think, but don't be closed to others perspectives.

If we continue to march around with just ourselves as top priority, then we might as well buckle up and sign up to continue to ride this not-so-merry-go-round of hate as it goes around and around and around on a nauseating repeat. As if spinning ourselves sick won't wake us up-well, hasn't seemed to yet at least.

We talk ourselves in circles. We are hypocrites, even when we strive not to be. We are sinful at nature. No one had to teach us to feel jealousy, greed, or hate. But God teaches us how to fight against that which Satan thrives on.

In this world of 'self', we must acknowledge that we cannot make a difference relying solely on ourselves.

For me, I do believe in Jesus, God, the guidance of the Holy Spirit. So I thrive on that fueling me to help me be more than this world is accepting as okay or normal.

I know that isn't where everyone stands. But I know that together, if we stand against what the world pegs as normal, if was stand against the worlds 'self' motto that maybe we'll have a chance.

As the skies speak volumes across the world without uttering a single world, can we not as well speak volumes of love and hope across the world even if muted?

Maybe, right now, muted is the way to go. I know, a bit backwards saying that as I'm typing this to share...

But, really. How much of an impact will that post or tweet leave? How much of an impact will this leave? Maybe it will leave some nodding in agreement or maybe it will leave some shaking their heads in annoyance...

...but unless we step away from the words-written or spoken-and choose to speak as loud as the skies do we will be setting our future on repeat.

Differences aside. No more dividers. There needs to be no more.

Actions speak louder than words. Let us, quietly, speak volumes and make a change.