Sorry I've been horrible-not that its life or death-about updating this thing.
We've settled in (I'm staying here at the house and Gary will move in when we get married). Momma thought I needed to clarify that:)
So its taken a bit to settle in, get the dogs used to the house, accumulate more items from loving family that really have been so so helpful, an of course breaking the place in with a few little cookouts-really good time with great friends!
Everything is now shifted mostly back to wedding wedding wedding. Gotta do so much for ours and for the handfull we have coming up-the next four months are going to fly by sooo fast. Which is really what we've wanted and waited for I just can't believe its getting so close!
Okay-enough blabbing now. I'll get some pictures up here soon.
Take Care:)
thanks for the clarification!!! Love ya