Monday, July 20, 2015


Reiders, you are now seven months old. Actually, in two day you are seven and a half months old. It has been a busy last few weeks, make that last month, so I am finally getting a moment to write what I've logged away about you in my mind while you nap, your brother plays in the yard and I sit in the shade still feeling the effects of the summer heat...and, as life would have it, there are your cries coming across the monitor. Do you not want me to divulge all your seven month old secrets or something? I need to get you two a play date and take myself and the computer to a coffee shop for a few hours so I can update the last many months of our lives before they become a blur amongst the busyness.

What are you up to now that you are seven months...

-You can sit up by yourself now. Right at the start of your seven months you still tipped over easily, but as of recent you've got it conquered pretty well. It is so cute to see you just sitting there solo and playing. Makes you look so big and independent.

-You sleep pretty well throughout the night, but you're not a great at napping. It just depends on the day sometimes, you'll go a few days fighting naps then a day or so giving it more. Unpredictable and keep us on our toes that's for certain.

-You have recently been sick. Cold, congestion crud that gave you a yucky cough as well. That, along with a small abscess made us make the decision to take you to the doctors. There we saw you are 16 lb 9 oz, so just a little bigger than your brother at this stage.

-You are hanging on to this cold for just over a week now, and have many teething symptoms so we wonder if you're working on breaking some in. It doesn't look like it, we don't see anything popping through or swollen gums but you are gnawing on anything, or anyone, you can and a recent drool fest so it may just be the start of the long teething journey.

I'm sorry, mom, are you trying to take my picture? Wait, you actually expect me to sit still? Crazy...

-You aren't crawling, not even seeming to try, but that doesn't stop you from moving around the floor like a mad man. We'll place you at one end, and seconds later come back to find you at the opposite end of the room. Little rolling machine.

-You are finding your humor and I love it. You are still showing a more serious personality, but recently are laughing a lot more at simple things. We don't have to tickle the crap out of you to get a good belly laugh, now you crack up over a simple game of chasing your brother around the house. It's adorable and fun to see you find humor in things. You especially find Caden amusing and that is extra special to watch you watching him and finding him to be funny even if he isn't doing anything special.

-Still on the brother topic, you love to watch your big bro. He is a silly boy and has a funny personality and he amuses you so much. You are very curious to what he's doing and love it when he turns turns into silly Caden, dancing around or making faces and sounds at you. It is the sweetest thing to hear him sing 'E-I-E-I-O' to you any time you are upset. He tries to comfort you with his beautiful singing of Old McDonald...sometimes it even works!

-You love your jumper. I may have mentioned that on the last post, but you are all for jumping. When people hold you it is almost guaranteed that you will fuss unless they let you stand and jump on their lap. The magnitude of how much you like to stand/jump versus sit makes me wonder if you'll be one of those babies that skips early to walking...but we'll just have to wait and see for that one.

-I mentioned earlier the gnawing and anything or literally try to grab on tight to the side of peoples faces and gnaw at their face/jaw bone. Again, may have mentioned that, but it is cute and painful at times! You've got one heck of a grib and many of my hairs have laid to rest over your strong, aggressive, little fists holding on so tight.

-I've noticed that you noticed your daddy and I more. Becoming a little more needy when you realize we're near and express more wanting to be held vs in the jumper if we are close by. It's cute that you are having that connection more, but then again it's in the midst of the summer heat and you are a little furnace that just ups the body temp even more...

You are getting so big and growing so fast. I feel like we're entering the stages of progressing out of baby tendencies and coming up on milestone after milestone after milestone. Baby to toddler before our very eyes and dang it, next thing I know you'll be moving out and forgetting all about us! Slow.your.roll. You, not me...I'm never irrational, son. 

We love you, Reid. You are so fun. The bond I see you and Caden forming already brings me so much joy and happiness, I can't even bring it to words. It is a priceless privilege that we have to be your parents and we are so grateful to God for giving us the opportunity. We pray over you boys so much. I pray that we help teach you all of Gods love and goodness. That you may find a deep love and respect for God that will help you conquer this crazy world through any good or bad that it may bring into your life. I pray for safety and protection for you and your brother.

I hope you boys take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that life gives you, and that you overcome any hardships. Lean not on your own understanding. Put your faith and trust in God and he will help you through anything and everything. Know that your dad and I love you deeply and that will never change.

You are a wonderful little boy. We love you more than you know. xoxo

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